NewGraphEnvironment / fish_passage_fraser_2023_reporting
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QGIS `form_psics` workflow to track changes, allow multiple programmatic updates, and facilitate reproducibility #25

Closed NewGraphEnvironment closed 7 months ago

NewGraphEnvironment commented 7 months ago

closely related to which has been actioned piece by piece through this project and others

About to add a column (assessment_comments_og) in the mergin/field_data/2023/pscis_2023 file so that everything is ready to go with live edits through QGIS. To track changes and facilitate reproducibility - from now on we will always make a copy of the assessment_comments column from our fieldform, call it assessment_comments_og and do our programatic and hand edits to the comments in the comments column. that allows us to easily track the original comments without needed to sluth through diffs to find it.

This is most important for iterative programatic updates (ex. update the MoTi structure IDs more than once, concatenate comments from climate change columns, add the time in separate steps )

NewGraphEnvironment commented 7 months ago

looks like the assessment_comments_og column is already there! this is great.

I am going to implement a different workflow on this one to explore incorporating all the climate change comments into the data that goes to PSCIS - I will back the existing assessment_comments column to assessment_comments2 and rebuild assessment_comments. It will require a lot of trimming of the assessment_comments in QGIS but will be a good exercise in reviewing all available info and working towards leveraging/sharing as much of our work as possible to openly accessible datasets.

NewGraphEnvironment commented 7 months ago

ok. plan is as follows. Will likely change in the future but here is a go for now:

  1. reverted assessment_comments to version without any appended info. keep changes made by Mateo in Q that were not tracked though.
  2. add columns for additional moti structure IDs - some times there are 2 or 3. There are clues to if they are the right ones in the sizes and lengths in the 2 (thats right 2) MoTi Culverts layer and MoTi major structures layer. Be aware that MoTi datasets are reaaalllly bad and very often quite inaccurate....
  3. Add citation and priority ranging columns
  4. rearrange the columns so we have all the comments, notes and moti stuff, priority, etc at the start.
  5. Burn back to gpkg and track changes with data/backup/* version controlled files in repo

This was done with 01b_pscis_tidy.R

Going forward we:

  1. In QGIS update all assessment_comments and *_notes to be as succinct as possible and remove redundancy in text when possible. First place to remove the redundancy is the assessment_comments b/c the *_notes columns will stand on their own in the reporting. Major major issues (culvert is collapsing in the middle, inlet completely blocked, mega erosion happening, etc) should make it into (or be left in the assessment_comments) because in our reporting we will have separate tables (as before) to present the assessment_comments info and each of the climate change *_notes columns (otherwise the table rows are half a page long.... :()

  2. make columns for citation keys. If a report or website is reaaaly juicy it is ok to put a link to it in the actual assessment_comments too. Watch out for special characters though (&^^^%$%^$#@#@! they bite)

  3. we have a column for ranking priority for follow up (no fix, low, medium, high). *Once we have updated the assessment_comments (this process) - the justification for this ranking should be clear (ex. large system with good flow, known chinook rearing area, ongoing initiatives by nechako environment and water stewardship society, etc.)

  4. Through this process we update and for large systems that look decent we search Ecocat (search stream name, look at FISS stream sample sites links) to scope for relevant information. We don't care too much about excel files with fish submissions since we have access to most of that info anyway (FISS layers in Q) but we want to find the reports that are meaningful as far as giving a sense of community related to the system, high value fisheries hints (sockeye spawning trib or known chinook rearing), potential collaborators, past/ongoing restoration/research initiatives, land owner partners and other collaborators that we can tie in with)