NewGraphEnvironment / fish_passage_peace_2023_reporting
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Mergin - version tracking #46

Open NewGraphEnvironment opened 6 months ago

NewGraphEnvironment commented 6 months ago

testing this as an idea for keeping track of stuff on Mergin that might be helpful later on

v97 - updated all the bcdata layers in the background_layers.gpkg. Looks like the layers stored on AWS in the newgraph bucket have not been updated since our phase 1 data went in so it will need to be redone when that occurs.

NewGraphEnvironment commented 5 months ago

v98 - update crossings and streams from aws bucket

NewGraphEnvironment commented 1 month ago

v101 - update crossings, streams, sensitve watersheds as per the rfp_tracking table in background_layers.gpkg

v102 - remove layers as per below (some have new names and some are just large (ie. veg and range)

path_gpkg <- "/Users/airvine/Projects/gis/sern_peace_fwcp_2023/background_layers.gpkg"

layers_remove <- c("fiss_fish_obsrvtn_events_vw", 

rfp::rfp_u_rm_gpkg_layers(path_gpkg, layers_remove)
NewGraphEnvironment commented 1 month ago

v103 was save before update v104 has new layers with old removed