NewGraphEnvironment / fish_passage_skeena_2021_reporting
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Update modelling, watershed and interactive map with photos and correct watershed for Thautil 198016 #36

Open NewGraphEnvironment opened 1 year ago

NewGraphEnvironment commented 1 year ago

Modelling data was pinned to incorrect stream but was corrected in bcfishpass. Now the bcfishpass object needs to be updated. This will require a build of the database on our side or a dump from simon loaded to one of the remote servers

In theory adding the photos to the map should just be a run of source('scripts/02_prep_reporting/0180-photos-extract-metadata.R') as per the run.R file instructions... oh the theories....

Because csv to xref_pscis_modelled_crossings was changed - subsequent change to bcfishpass (stream ID) may need to be manually applied to the existing bcfishpass object (or wahtever used to generate watershed)

Moving the downstream route measure slightly so that it falls below the road and below the incorrect tributary may be a good move to capture all that watershed in the tributary.

NewGraphEnvironment commented 1 year ago

remove watershed from results summary table and report for now. need to remove line in tables.R once it is fixed