NewGraphEnvironment / fish_passage_skeena_2021_reporting
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Upstream habitat estimates. table 4.2 says coho rearing but then <7.5. should be <5.5 #41

Open NewGraphEnvironment opened 1 year ago

NewGraphEnvironment commented 1 year ago

thinking we shoudl use steelhead_rearing and steelhead_network and present both numbers but should at least be correct number for coho for now

NewGraphEnvironment commented 1 year ago

not super sure of best approach for this . Methods need to be clarified. Using coho rearing seems quite unconservative. Perhaps something more along the line of 2020 methods which were:

"For Phase 2 - habitat confirmation sites, conservative estimates of the linear quantity of habitat to be potentially gained by fish passage restoration, mainstem and large tributary streams (>1st order streams) segments upstream of each crossing that were <20%, below natural barriers and downstream of documented culvert barriers were measured by hand with the measure tool within QGIS (QGIS Development Team 2009). To generate estimates of the area of habitat upstream of these sites, the length of habitat was multiplied by the upstream average channel width that was measured in the field."

Tempted to go to st_slpeclass15_km as a standard for reporting but write a disclaimer that it is only modelling, point to overall bcfishpass object output (make it easy to view and search somehow) and do hand estimtes that are included in the memo. incredibly complicated but should better define.

NewGraphEnvironment commented 1 year ago

for now going with "Overview of habitat confirmation sites. Default value for habitat estimates is from coho rearing model (total length of stream segments <5.5% gradient) however please see comments for exceptions."