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Projects - Fish and Fish Habitat Assessments #15

Closed NewGraphEnvironment closed 8 months ago

NewGraphEnvironment commented 8 months ago

Stream classifications (similiar to ). Completed dozens and dozens of similiar projects over the years with reports viewable through ecocat by searching by author "Irvine" or author "Masse Environmental Consultants".

example New Graph project here: similiar assessments done by New Graph near Castlegar for same end client (BCHydro)

Fish habitat assessment procedures New Graph example project tucked into Elk 2022 see methods

and results at

maybe some mention of fish movement and health tracking through PIT tagging (done in Skeena and Peace projects over multi-year periods)?

NewGraphEnvironment commented 8 months ago

"more reports can be reviewed here" ecocat link does not work.

Wahleach is a fish passage planning project (1 of 12 for FWCP coast done through Masse) and should be pulled from there

Prob best to note that our assessment procedures follow methods in Slaney and Johnston (or whatever report says), briefly describe what that is (describing mesohabitat units or whatever) and just link to fhap results in report as example
