NewGraphEnvironment / restoration_wedzin_kwa_2024
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Watershed-Level Physical and Biological Goals #59

Open NewGraphEnvironment opened 5 months ago

NewGraphEnvironment commented 5 months ago

This is a key reference for this as much of what is included has potential to transfer right over

NCFDC. 1998. “Mid-Bulkley Detailed Fish Habitat/Riparian/Channel Assessment for Watershed Restoration.” Nadina Community Futures Development Corporation (NCFDC).

There are many examples in the Executive Summary alone with a couple hand picked here to illustrate

... Alluvial fan reaches: Owing to the number of upstream barriers to mid-elevation reaches in the watershed, alluvial fans of tributaries to the Bulkley River are focal and nodal habitats for both anadromous and resident fish in the watershed. These include reaches 1 and 2 of Richfield, Buck, and Dungate Creeks, and reach 1 of Byman, McQuarrie, Aitken, Barren, and Emerson Creeks.

... 2) Reestablish spatial habitat diversity and quality, and hydraulic energy dissipation in areas that have been channelized. A long-term goal which requires cooperation between private landowners and regulatory agencies is the de-channelizing of these areas and their reconnection to normal floodplain functioning ...

Mainstem reaches: These are reaches 1 to 3 of the [Upper] Bulkley River.... I. Restoring floodplain function and lateral channel movement where feasible to increase spatial habitat diversity and improve overwintering and summer rearing habitat, buffer high and low water levels and water temperatures downstream, and increase overbank sediment storage. ...