Possible Unhandled Promise Rejection: TypeError: _ValidationRules2.default[name] is not a function at Function.ValidatorForm.getValidator (ValidatorForm.js?5676:198) at eval (ValidatorForm.js?5676:131) at Array.map (<anonymous>) at eval (ValidatorForm.js?5676:130) at doResolve (index.js?305e:129) at new Promise (index.js?305e:33) at ValidatorForm._this.validate (ValidatorForm.js?5676:123) at eval (ValidatorForm.js?5676:112) at doResolve (index.js?305e:129) at new Promise (index.js?305e:33)
was checking out this package but noticed if you have more than one custom validator, there is a warning logged in the console.
example: https://codesandbox.io/s/9l94nrqrnw
Possible Unhandled Promise Rejection: TypeError: _ValidationRules2.default[name] is not a function at Function.ValidatorForm.getValidator (ValidatorForm.js?5676:198) at eval (ValidatorForm.js?5676:131) at Array.map (<anonymous>) at eval (ValidatorForm.js?5676:130) at doResolve (index.js?305e:129) at new Promise (index.js?305e:33) at ValidatorForm._this.validate (ValidatorForm.js?5676:123) at eval (ValidatorForm.js?5676:112) at doResolve (index.js?305e:129) at new Promise (index.js?305e:33)