Added support for displaying U.S. territories:
includeTerritories : an array of territories to display
[ 'PR', 'VI', 'GU', 'AS', 'MP' ]
terrBoxX - integer value X location of top of territory labels
terrBoxY - integer value Y location of top of territory labels
Implemented labelTextHoverStyles.
Ran jshint against script, added a minified version of script.
Included another example map with the new features.
Added support for displaying U.S. territories: includeTerritories : an array of territories to display [ 'PR', 'VI', 'GU', 'AS', 'MP' ] terrBoxX - integer value X location of top of territory labels terrBoxY - integer value Y location of top of territory labels
Implemented labelTextHoverStyles.
Ran jshint against script, added a minified version of script.
Included another example map with the new features.