Newcomer1989 / TSN-Ranksystem

A PHP Bot that assigns time based server groups on TeamSpeak3.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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error when start calc_serverstats #137

Closed NextFather closed 7 years ago

NextFather commented 7 years ago

2016-10-20 00:08:47.333115 ERROR calc_serverstats 3:1 2016-10-20 00:08:47.333445 ERROR calc_serverstats 4:1 2016-10-20 00:08:47.333536 ERROR calc_serverstats 5:1

Newcomer1989 commented 7 years ago

Do you have any more information for us?

1) How often this happens? Once time, every day at the same time.... 2) How long you are using the Ranksystem? It ever worked or you get the error from beginning on? 3) What are standing on the stats page (/stats/index.php)? Perhaps give us a link or a screenshot.. 4) What database are you using? It could be it had a short downtime or connection problem at this time?

bykidi commented 7 years ago

Told ya! Now i got the same error. (i fixed my connection lost by rebooting the server. no idea why but that helps). Can i also get this beta version?

2016-10-21 15:23:48.413049 ERROR calc_serverstats 14:1 2016-10-21 15:23:32.869170 ERROR calc_serverstats 14:1 2016-10-21 15:23:27.712945 ERROR calc_serverstats 14:1 2016-10-21 15:23:22.562273 ERROR calc_serverstats 14:1 2016-10-21 15:23:17.406656 ERROR calc_serverstats 12:1 2016-10-21 15:23:12.237959 ERROR calc_serverstats 12:1 2016-10-21 15:23:07.075193 ERROR calc_serverstats 14:1 2016-10-21 15:23:01.879688 ERROR calc_serverstats 12:1 2016-10-21 15:22:56.728520 ERROR calc_serverstats 12:1

bykidi commented 7 years ago

System worked fine for over 15 hours, after that i saw that system is connected twice with both primary and secondary names. after that i rebooted the ranksystem and saw that error in log file.

Newcomer1989 commented 7 years ago

i fixed my connection lost by rebooting the server

It could be wrong network configuration. That was why I am asked your, if other tools works, which are using the same way.

2016-10-21 15:23:22.562273 ERROR calc_serverstats 14:1 2016-10-21 15:23:17.406656 ERROR calc_serverstats 12:1

My needed informations are already posted above as questions. Answer this and I will have a look. I think this error would be also arise with the actual pre-release, cause I didn't change there anything.

NextFather commented 7 years ago

Every thing works good For About 8 Months but now i face this problem the bot connect to server then dropp conection there is other bots connected to the server and there is no problemn with them the bot connect and gaves levels then drop and he cant calulate users logins times and other server info

Newcomer1989 commented 7 years ago

NextFather it is hard to read your answer. Perhaps use punctuation marks next..

For the next answer think about the following: I need so much informations, that I can follow you, what you are doing and what happens exactly. If you describe me two sentences, this will not help me!

Here is an example for a good report

If I get again an answer like above, I will ingore this and close this issue...

So I try to summary your answer:

1) How often this happens? Once time, every day at the same time....

the bot connect and gaves levels then drop and he cant calulate users logins times and other server info

2) How long you are using the Ranksystem? It ever worked or you get the error from beginning on?

Every thing works good For About 8 Months but now i face this problem

3) What are standing on the stats page (/stats/index.php)? Perhaps give us a link or a screenshot..

4) What database are you using? It could be it had a short downtime or connection problem at this time?

So my question 3 and 4 are still not answered.. And to question one I missed an intervall; how often this happens, he lost the connection. It is every time the Bot gets started?

bykidi commented 7 years ago
  2. mariadb-server-10.0 and no, it's working because teamspeak server is running fine on that same server

No idea why, but ranksystem lost connection again. Randomly. I was just sitting in the same channel and it timed out. After that i saw the log file 2016-10-28 16:45:02.847424 INFO Bot starts now his work! 2016-10-28 16:45:02.847291 INFO Joined to specified Channel. 2016-10-28 16:45:01.342448 INFO Connection to TS3 Server established. 2016-10-28 16:45:01.321172 INFO Connect to TS3 Server (Address: "" Voice-Port: "9987" Query-Port: "10011"). 2016-10-28 16:45:01.321000 INFO Ranksystem Version: 1.1.1 2016-10-28 16:45:01.320853 INFO No newer version detected; Database check finished. 2016-10-28 16:45:01.320657 INFO Check Ranksystem database for updates. 2016-10-28 16:45:01.315091 INFO Initialize Bot... 2016-10-28 16:44:24.278335 ERROR calc_user 0:1 2016-10-28 16:44:24.278253 ERROR calc_user -1:1 2016-10-28 16:44:24.278051 ERROR calc_user -2:1

Found weird thing - ranksystem connects twice. First if i start it with CRON by "php worker.php check" command, second instance if i start it with /webinterface/bot.php start button

bykidi commented 7 years ago

@Newcomer1989 Do you need access to my machine? I can provide that so you can debug this error. I honestly have no idea when and why that happens.

Newcomer1989 commented 7 years ago

Your posted URL is not reachable (network timeout).

So much error in the log has to be the database. I think in your case @bykidi the connection to the database is the problem. Have you activate the slowmode? How looks the system ressources (especially the cpu)?

Found weird thing - ranksystem connects twice. First if i start it with CRON by "php worker.php check" command, second instance if i start it with /webinterface/bot.php start button

Be sure you start the Ranksystem with your webuser! In no case as root!!!!!

bykidi commented 7 years ago

Your posted URL is not reachable (network timeout).

maybe this is because of geoip anti-ddos. what is your location?

Newcomer1989 commented 7 years ago


bykidi commented 7 years ago

@Newcomer1989 should be ok, i have plenty of germans on my server.

Newcomer1989 commented 7 years ago

An other person from germany are also not available to open the site.

Perhaps you try to answer my other questions.

bykidi commented 7 years ago

Updated to 1.1.2 - ranksystem working again. Weird...

Newcomer1989 commented 7 years ago

Ok, lets have a look how long.. If the problems starts again, it can't be the Ranksystem. Cause it is running for now. So, then it should be the server / database.

I close this issue, due the problem do not exists any more for now..