NewtonFernandis / IssueHunter

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The application is breaking due to structural changes in the API response #19

Open NewtonFernandis opened 4 days ago

NewtonFernandis commented 4 days ago

The application is breaking due to structural changes in the API response, update the code according to the new API response.

Updated response

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        "node_id": "I_kwDOM8xSCM6aKbDF",
        "number": 44396,
        "title": "Add a glossary for technical terms used in the project",
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        "state": "open",
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        "comments": 0,
        "created_at": "2024-10-14T15:43:51Z",
        "updated_at": "2024-10-14T15:43:51Z",
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        "body": "# Add a glossary for technical terms used in the project\n\n  ## Add a glossary for technical terms used in the project\n\n  Add a glossary for technical terms used in the project是一家专注于体育赛事的在线娱乐提供商提供体育赛事直播投注、真人娱乐、棋牌、电竞等,网站注重用户体验,提供便捷的注册和登录,支持多平台和多设备的访问Add a glossary for technical terms used in the project邀您每日观五大联赛领豪礼,每日每场皆有奖,请点击下面注册入口进行查看~\n\n  Add a glossary for technical terms used in the project网页版:Add a glossary for technical terms used in the project网页版为用户提供全方位的服务,友好的界面和流畅的操作体验,支持多平台访问,随时随地都能享受到最新最热门的体育和娱乐游戏。对于部分海外地区的用户,可能需要使用VPN才能访问Add a glossary for technical terms used in the project网站。\n  \n  Add a glossary for technical terms used in the project体育App:提供业内最高赔率,覆盖世界各地的赛事,可供用户进行多元竞猜,如让球、大小、半全场、波胆等多种玩法。此外,平台还提供动画直播功能,让用户轻松地观看比赛,同时也可以进行娱乐投注,两者兼顾,尽享乐趣。\n  \n  Add a glossary for technical terms used in the project全站App:全站App是一款专门为体育爱好者和游戏玩家设计的应用程序,具备流畅的操作和良好的用户体验。用户可以在应用中畅玩海量的体育、电竞顶尖赛事、真人娱乐、彩票投注和电子游艺等娱乐项目。\n  \n  【Tag:】High memory usage during batch processing jobs, Session timeout redirects user unexpectedly, Provide option for users to upload profile banner, Allow users to customize notification preferences, Allow users to customize their dashboard layout, Add automated browser tests for cross-browser compatibility, Add explanation for the error handling middleware, Fix flaky test for the user registration workflow, Improve documentation on API authentication process, Missing documentation for user roles and permissions\n\n  ### 相关推荐:\n\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>\n  <>",
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Screenshot 2024-10-14 at 9 11 10 PM Screenshot 2024-10-14 at 9 11 23 PM
umardevX commented 1 day ago

@NewtonFernandis Can you assign it to me?

NewtonFernandis commented 1 day ago

Sure @umardevX 👍 😄