Nexmo / nexmo-nodered

Node Red Nodes for The Nexmo APIs
MIT License
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Installation/update docs #12

Closed html5cat closed 5 years ago

html5cat commented 5 years ago

Would be nice to have docs on installing/updating the module in Node-red. (I can't find a way to add latest 3.0 version)

sammachin commented 5 years ago

Yeah currently the 3.0 version is tagged as beta in NPM and node-red can't install stuff thats tagged, you have to install it from the command line into your ~/.node-red folder. Therefore there doesn't seem much point in releasing a beta to NPM we either have beta users install the latest version directly from github npm install git+ or wait until we're ready to push out 3.0 and replace the current 2.0 version thats on there (which we didn't write)

sammachin commented 5 years ago

have added some instructions to the README and will expand on that as we get feedback from the community, PR's to that doc most welcom