Nexmo / nexmo-spring-boot-starter

Spring Boot Starter for Nexmo
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Update Project to use the Vonage Server SDK and the latest Spring Boot dependency #10

Open yallen011 opened 3 years ago

yallen011 commented 3 years ago

Java Server SDK Dependency

We have now switched over to using the Vonage branding so this project needs to use the com.vonage group id instead of the com.nexmo group id in the pom.xml files located in the /nexmo-spring-boot-starter and /nexmo-spring-boot-autoconfig.


The property name also needs to be changed from nexmo.version to vonage.version which can be found at the bottom of the pom.xml file located at the root of the project.


Updating Imports

Once the dependency is changed, the imports in the code that throw an error will have to be updated to com.vonage.

Spring Boot Dependency

The Spring Boot also needs to be updated to the latest. The Spring Boot version property can be found in the pom.xml file at the root of the project.


Once the version is updated from the root, the other pom.xml files need to be checked to make sure any other spring dependencies are using the latest version

Update nexmo-starter Version

Update nexmo-starter version to 2.2.0 in all the pom.xml files that include that dependency.


Once all imports have been made run the mvn clean install command make sure the project builds successfully and run the project locally to make sure it still works.


Update the readme to reflect the vonage dependency and the correct version under the Customize Nexmo Client Version section

Create a new table under the current table at the bottom of the README with the following column headers Nexmo Spring Boot Starter and Vonage Java Client. The first entry should use v2.0.0 as the Nexmo Spring Boot Starter version and v5.5.0 as the Vonage Java Client version.

ng29 commented 3 years ago

Hey @yallen011

I can pick this up, please assign me :)

ng29 commented 3 years ago

Hey @yallen011 , i have made all the changes required(Draft pr), and here are my observations/pointers-->

And one more important thing that is there any order in which these changes should be done bcz i have tried 5 times and travis build is always failing Cheers

yallen011 commented 3 years ago

Hi @ng29 thank you for your contribution. I will address your questions in order for which they were asked.

  1. Running the gradlew.bat build (windows) or ./gradlew build(mac) build command to make sure the code compiles without errors

  2. (Optional) running the get balance command from the project as explained in the

ng29 commented 3 years ago

Hi @ng29 thank you for your contribution. I will address your questions in order for which they were asked.

  • the current version of the vonage server sdk is 5.5.0 the picture shows version 4.4.0 because that is what was currently in the codebase, I just took a snapshot of what was currently there to show you what property needs to be modified.
  • The latest version of Spring boot is v2.3.4.Release to the <spring-boot.version> so the spring boot version should be updated to reflect that.
  • Changing the imports should take long at all. This is a very small project so changing the imports should only take less than 5mins to update when the dependency has been changed.
  • Testing your changes don't break the build before you push them up only requires a few steps.
  1. Running the gradlew.bat build (windows) or ./gradlew build(mac) build command to make sure the code compiles without errors
  2. (Optional) running the get balance command from the project as explained in the

Please refer my comment here