Nexmo / nexmo-spring-boot-starter

Spring Boot Starter for Nexmo
MIT License
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Convert Project from Kotlin to Java #8

Closed yallen011 closed 3 years ago

yallen011 commented 3 years ago

The project is currently written in Kotlin. It needs to be rewritten in Java.

JaredEzz commented 3 years ago

I would like to work on this.

AugustasV commented 3 years ago

But just. Why? It's like going backwards. Kotlin is greater than Java!

akshitadixit commented 3 years ago

@yallen011 please assign this to me :)

yallen011 commented 3 years ago

This is great. Thank you @akshitadixit @AugustasV @JaredEzz for all being willing to work on this. We are deciding to take another approach and leave this repo in Kotlin and create another version of the Nexmo Spring Boot Starter in java. You can find the repo here If all 3 of you want to work on it, that is fine. Comment that you would like to work on this in the issue I have created here, and I break the issue into subtasks so that you all can work on it.

yallen011 commented 3 years ago

closing this issue as all conversions should be moved over to this issue here

yallen011 commented 3 years ago

@AugustasV @JaredEzz we have another issue that just opened up if one of you would like to grab it #10