Next2D / player

Next2D Player supports WebGL and OffscreenCanvas, enabling advanced graphical expression. It can also be used in game production, advertisement production, and other scenes requiring rich expressions without having to deal with browser or device compatibility.
MIT License
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SWF support #165

Open GonzalezAtWork opened 1 month ago

GonzalezAtWork commented 1 month ago

is this still usable/possible to work with .swf (flash) files? or that was dropped from swf2js?

ienaga commented 4 weeks ago

@GonzalezAtWork No, we do not have any SWF files. Some SWF files can be read, but Next2D does not work with swf2js.

GonzalezAtWork commented 3 weeks ago

so how can I get in touch with the sells team of swf2js to get the latest release prod version?

ienaga commented 2 weeks ago

@GonzalezAtWork swf2js productions are no longer available.