NextFaze / FazeKit

A collection of helper functions and extensions for Swift iOS apps
Apache License 2.0
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The future of FazeKit/NFAllocInit [Proposal] #9

Open swoolcock opened 4 years ago

swoolcock commented 4 years ago

Most of the NextFaze projects that import FazeKit also import NFAllocInit just because FazeKit is incomplete.


Make FazeKit feature parity with NFAllocInit, thus sunsetting NFAllocInit



Make NFAllocInit feature parity with FazeKit, thus sunsetting FazeKit



Strip any code from FazeKit that already exists in NFAllocInit



The third option is my where I'd personally like to take it. @ricsantos @SilkyPantsDan ?

ricsantos commented 4 years ago

Well, Swift source stability has settled down now, so going forward I don't see too many changes needed to keep it up to date.

I prefer using NFAllocInit over FazeKit, not sure why, maybe because I'm more familiar with it's contents.

Option 4: Make FazeKit mixed source, and move all the NFAllocInit code over to it, and sunset NFAllocInit?

ricsantos commented 2 months ago

FazeKit is the future