Closed DayTimeMouse closed 2 months ago
Here is the output of chatgpt when I asked “Write a Python script to split the scaffolds in a fasta file into contigs by N”,
import re
from Bio import SeqIO
from Bio.SeqRecord import SeqRecord
from Bio.Seq import Seq
def split_scaffold_into_contigs(scaffold, n_threshold=1):
Splits a scaffold sequence into contigs based on N characters.
scaffold (str): Scaffold sequence.
n_threshold (int): Minimum number of consecutive Ns to split by.
contigs (list of str): A list of contigs split by Ns.
# Use regex to split by consecutive 'N's
pattern = f"N{{{n_threshold},}}" # Split by at least `n_threshold` Ns
contigs = re.split(pattern, scaffold)
# Remove empty contigs that may result from leading or trailing Ns
contigs = [contig for contig in contigs if contig]
return contigs
def process_fasta_file(input_fasta, output_fasta, n_threshold=1):
Processes a FASTA file by splitting scaffolds into contigs based on N characters.
Writes the contigs to a new FASTA file.
input_fasta (str): Path to the input FASTA file.
output_fasta (str): Path to the output FASTA file.
n_threshold (int): Minimum number of consecutive Ns to split by.
contig_records = []
for record in SeqIO.parse(input_fasta, "fasta"):
# Get scaffold sequence
scaffold_sequence = str(record.seq)
# Split scaffold into contigs
contigs = split_scaffold_into_contigs(scaffold_sequence, n_threshold)
# Create a SeqRecord for each contig and add to list
for i, contig in enumerate(contigs):
contig_record = SeqRecord(Seq(contig), id=f"{}_contig_{i+1}", description="")
# Write all contig records to the output FASTA file
with open(output_fasta, 'w') as output_handle:
SeqIO.write(contig_records, output_handle, "fasta")
# Example usage
input_fasta_file = "input_scaffolds.fasta"
output_fasta_file = "output_contigs.fasta"
n_threshold = 1 # Minimum number of consecutive Ns to split by
# Process the input FASTA file
process_fasta_file(input_fasta_file, output_fasta_file, n_threshold)
Hi moold,
I have already used no Ns scffolds.fa, and record Ns' positions and counts. However, polished assembly size is not equal to scffolds.fa(no Ns), so I can't restore Ns to scffolds.fa(no Ns), due to postions may change.
What should I do?
Thanks in advance.
After the gap filling for scaffolds(have N bases), I want to use NextPolish(v 1.4.1) to polish genome.
I have seen the Limitations and #98.
But I can't distinguish the part of 'N' has filled by nextpolish or without N bases as input for nextpolish. And I don't know how to link gaps back to the polished genome.
Could you give some ideas?
Best wishes.