Nexus-Mods / Nexus-Mod-Manager

GNU General Public License v2.0
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Crash on Startup (Wine/Mono) #291

Open zmrodriguez91 opened 6 years ago

zmrodriguez91 commented 6 years ago

When running under Wine, Nexus Mod Manager fails to load. No error handling seems to be implemented in Nexus.Client.Bootstrapper.GetSupportedGameModes ()


Trace file has been created: TraceLog20180501211427.txt
Mod Manager Version:
OS version: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601.65536 Service Pack 1
Installed .NET Versions:
    v1.1.4322 SP 1
    v2.0.50727 SP 2
    v3.0 SP 2
    v3.5 SP 1
    v4 SP 0
    v4.5: 4.5 or later
Tracing is forced: False

Discovering Game Mode Factories...
    Looking in: C:\Program Files\Nexus Mod Manager\GameModes
    Checking: BreakingWheel.dll
        Initializing: Nexus.Client.Games.BreakingWheel.BreakingWheelGameModeFactory
    Checking: DarkSouls.dll
        Initializing: Nexus.Client.Games.DarkSouls.DarkSoulsGameModeFactory
    Checking: DarkSouls2.dll
        Initializing: Nexus.Client.Games.DarkSouls2.DarkSouls2GameModeFactory
    Checking: DragonAge.dll
        Initializing: Nexus.Client.Games.DragonAge.DragonAgeGameModeFactory
    Checking: DragonAge2.dll
        Initializing: Nexus.Client.Games.DragonAge2.DragonAge2GameModeFactory
    Checking: DragonsDogma.dll
        Initializing: Nexus.Client.Games.DragonsDogma.DragonsDogmaGameModeFactory
    Checking: Fallout3.CSharpScript.dll

        Tracing an Unhandled Exception:
    The classes in the module cannot be loaded.
Full Trace: 
    System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: The classes in the module cannot be loaded.
  at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly:GetTypes (System.Reflection.Assembly,bool)
  at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExportedTypes () [0x00000] in <1c90db0b17cb4b1e827d577d0607b212>:0 
  at Nexus.Client.Games.GameModeRegistry.DiscoverSupportedGameModes (Nexus.Client.EnvironmentInfo p_eifEnvironmentInfo) [0x0007e] in <e3918334f6c0462a9f8c0e7ec3354801>:0 
  at Nexus.Client.Bootstrapper.GetSupportedGameModes () [0x00000] in <e3918334f6c0462a9f8c0e7ec3354801>:0 
  at Nexus.Client.Bootstrapper.RunMainForm (System.String[] p_strArgs) [0x000b5] in <e3918334f6c0462a9f8c0e7ec3354801>:0 
  at Nexus.Client.Program.Main (System.String[] p_strArgs) [0x0015b] in <e3918334f6c0462a9f8c0e7ec3354801>:0 
tobast commented 6 years ago

Confirmed, with same stacktrace and latest version.

$ uname -a
Linux [redacted] 4.14.50-1-lts #1 SMP Sat Jun 16 18:59:53 CEST 2018 x86_64 GNU/Linux

I'm running Archlinux, system up-to-date, with Wine 3.10.

I've seen some people on the internet suggesting running NMM inside a VM with the right shared directories, but it's really sad to run flawlessly Oblivion with Wine, only to find out that the mod manager crashes on startup…

johanbluecreek commented 6 years ago

The following in a new prefix resolves(/is a work-around to) the issue

WINEPREFIX='/the/prefix' WINEARCH='wine32' winetricks dotnet46

Remember to remove root from your drives in winecfg, windows version should be set to Windows 7, and add a drive that points to the prefix where your games are installed.

I'd say this resolves the issue fully, since I also manage to launch Fallout: New Vegas from NMM with only minor issues (bunch of errors and such that I just clicked by), but I managed to enter a saved game (without any mods).