Open Pickysaurus opened 11 hours ago
The website offers an NXM link to the user when they buy Premium to update Vortex
What kind of link is that?
The website offers an NXM link to the user when they buy Premium to update Vortex
What kind of link is that?
I'd have to either buy Premium or get a dev to dig it up to find out. Might be in the Vortex codebase though.
User story
This is a problem we solved with Vortex, but will need to be addressed in the app. When a user buys Premium, their session in the app is not automatically updated to show their new membership tier.
The website offers an NXM link to the user when they buy Premium to update Vortex. The app should be able to respond to this link too.
Ideally, we could do something smart like, if the user is free and has recently clicked the "Upgrade to Premium" button, the next time they start a download, check their session again to see if we need to update it.
As a user who has just purchased Premium
I want to see my account updated in the app promptly
So that I can take advantage of my Premium membership
(Any other information related to but not covered by the story)
(Any designs required for this story)
(Describe the expected behaviour from the users point of view. Create multiple DoD's if required to fully describe what should happen. Number each DoD)
Scenario 1
Given I am a user
When I buy Premium
Then The app should be able to quickly update and unlock Premium features.