Nexus-Mods / Vortex

Vortex Development
GNU General Public License v3.0
830 stars 127 forks source link

Vortex seems to adding an "Account Unknown" to each modfile's File Permissions #15598

Open KirkH420 opened 3 weeks ago

KirkH420 commented 3 weeks ago

Describe the bug Each time I install a new mod, when I go visit the mod's files (whether in the staging folder or the game/data folder) my Explorer PreviewHandlers are not allowed to read the contents of these files. This indicates a problem with File Permissions. This is due to a UAC permission being added to each file. When viewing the UAC settings, there will be an "Account Unknown". It displays an account GUID (or whatever that ID is called) which does not exist anywhere in my Windows Registry, which means it's an account from somebody else's machine (a developer's machine?).

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Download a mod, preferably something that has a text file which could be read by an Explorer PreviewHandler.
  2. Navigate to the mod's staging folder. (have Explorer's Preview Panel open), is it blocked? [first screenshot]
  3. Right-click the modfile, choose Properties, then choose the 'Security' tab. Can you see "Account Unknown(S-1-15-2-9715996181819307607-1109918363-and-so-on)? [second screenshot]
  4. Click the 'Advanced' button, if the unknown account is there, notice that it's not being inherited from the Parent Object (despite it saying that it does inherit). So because of this oddity, we will have to press 'Disable inheritance', then click "Remove all inherited permissions from this object", click 'Apply', click 'Enable inheritance', and then click 'Apply'. The Unknown account should not re-appear. Now click 'Okay' twice. The file can now be viewed by Explorer PreviewHandler (IE permission problem solved). *Note: of course if it happens to be that this permission came from YOUR machine, then you might not see "Account Unknown" but your actual account might show up there. LOL!

Expected behavior The expected behavior is that this doesn't happen at all. I suspect that somehow modfiles are inheriting permissions from a developer's machine, but what do I know? But hey, another interesting thing that I've noticed is that after I apply my fix, if I reinstall the mod with Vortex the problem comes right back and it's the same "Account Unknown(S-1-15-bla-bla-bla)" which doesn't exist on my machine. Where is it coming from?

Screenshots Screenshot 2024-04-26 234355 Screenshot 2024-04-27 000029 Screenshot 2024-04-27 000404 Screenshot 2024-04-27 001012 Screenshot 2024-04-26 235810

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