Nexus-Mods / Vortex

Vortex Development
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Suggestion - Vortex works very very slow, #3400

Closed VortexFeedback closed 1 year ago

VortexFeedback commented 5 years ago

Vortex Version: 0.16.15 Memory: 7.96 GB System: win32 x64 (10.0.17134) Hi, Sorry for my minimalistic knowledge and maybe not a good English. (Im just a regular 0815 User who doesnt know much about PC and Mods) But since ive reached 100 mods for Skyrim my Vortex Mod Manager has started working very very slow. It takes about 10 sec to click on each Register, also the installing and deploying of the mods are so slow, its a hard thing to get to my wished 300+ Mods.

I hope there will be some Updates for the working speed of this Program because its very User-friendly and i dont wanna switch to another program.

Greets, Aliios

Reported by: Aliios

VortexFeedback commented 5 years ago

Vortex Version: 0.17.3 Memory: 15.89 GB System: win32 x64 (10.0.17134) Switching tabs results in Vortex freezing for long periods of time. Freezing severity seems to depend from which tab and to which I am switching. Switching between 'Plugins' and 'Mods' consistently gives me a 5+ second freeze. The new tab/view loads, is responsive for a split second, but then freezes for 5+ seconds. Many times it's closer to 7,8 seconds. Ocassionally, these freezes can go 10+ all the way up to 30+ seconds. There were a few times when I had extra long stalls. Restarting Vortex brought it back down to 5+ seconds.

Switching to tabs like 'Settings', 'Knowledge Base' and 'Games' do not show any noticeable lag or hitching. Moreover, switching FROM these tabs TO 'Plugins' or 'Mods' results in the latter loading much faster/without noticeable hitches or freezing.

For example,

Mods -> Settings -> Plugins = Loads fast Plugins -> Settings -> Mods = Loads fast Mods -> Plugins = 5+ second freeze Plugins -> Mods = 5+ second freeze

The same is true if I replace 'Settings' in the above with 'Knowledge Base' or 'Games'. ie if I switch via those tabs.

Profile has 600 mods, but I tried it on another profile with 163 mods, and got similar results. To break it down further :-

Plugins to Mods tab = 5 - 6 second wait on average Mods to Plugins tab = 6-7 second wait Settings to Mods tab = 1 sec/ no wait Settings to Plugins tab = 1 sec/ no wait Any tab to Settings tab = 1 sec/ no wait

If I am on the mods page, it is much quicker for me to click on Settings first, then click on Plugins. It takes 2 seconds in total.

However, clicking really fast still results in a stall. ie: click on Settings and then click on Mods before the settings page fully loads - this gives me a stall. If I wait up to a second after clicking on Settings, then click on Mods, it loads fine, no stall.

I have attached developer tools (extension) performance profiling of some freezes (these were quite long)

External file: tmp-15908stMzGp2DVaTt.7z

Reported by: MeTheMightOne

VortexFeedback commented 5 years ago

Vortex Version: 0.16.15 Memory: 7.90 GB System: win32 x64 (10.0.17134) Don't know if the problem is only with my 21:9 screen, but Vortex takes forever to respond to mouse hovers and clicks everytime it's been minimized or shut down. Expected result: Instant response to a mouseclick Actual result: Nothing happens for about 10 secunds, then works as normal.

External file: tmp-2004175lUrAQr73B.7z

Reported by: jojonv

VortexFeedback commented 5 years ago

Vortex Version: 0.16.15 Memory: 7.94 GB System: win32 x64 (10.0.17134) I recently switched from Nexus Mod manager to Vortex. Generally I'm very pleased with the software, this is probably the most user friendly and idiot proof program I have ever seen. My only problem is that it lags A LOT for some reason. I can't go 5 or 10 seconds without having to wait so I can click on something, and I don't know why it's doing it. I have a relatively good PC. It's really frustrating after a while.

Reported by: Attha

VortexFeedback commented 5 years ago

Vortex Version: 0.16.15 Memory: 15.94 GB System: win32 x64 (10.0.17134) When opening this application, intalling/uninstalling a mod or enabling/disabling a mod, it's very very laggy and doesn't respond for 1-2 minutes.

Reported by: joyguard

VortexFeedback commented 5 years ago

Vortex Version: 0.16.15 Memory: 7.43 GB System: win32 x64 (6.1.7601) Dear people of Nexus Mods, i am running vortex on Windows 7. NET Framework Version is 4.7.2, if that concerns. No matter which action i do (clicking on a button, whatsoever) Vortex stops responding for a while with no application timeout or error message from Windows. After a minute or more it works again. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance for your help.

Reported by: Ockerflutsch

VortexFeedback commented 5 years ago

Vortex Version: 0.16.15 Memory: 15.95 GB System: win32 x64 (10.0.17763) Everytime I deploy the mods, Vortex finishes everything, then just completely freezes for a full minute. This is especially annoying with automatic deployment.

Reported by: Jay33721

TanninOne commented 5 years ago

Is this still an issue in 0.17.11?

lamboom commented 5 years ago

Switching between 'mods' and 'plugins' is still very slow and becomes unresponsive a split second after switching. This lasts for several seconds (up to 10 at times). The unresponsiveness seems to be somewhat dependent on how many entries are on the page. If I filter the lists in these respective tabs (eg: by mod name, enabled/disabled, category) so that there are very few entries, (eg 10 - 20) there is no waiting or unresponsiveness.

This problem only occurs moving between 'mods' and 'plugins', and only if the lists are large (I have over 500 mods). Switching to any other page like 'settings' or 'knowledge base' in between the two results in a normal load without unresponsiveness. ie. Mods -> Settings -> Plugins or vice versa works fine. This works as long as I give the intermediary page a second to fully load. Switching too quickly results in Vortex becoming unresponsive for several seconds.

TanninOne commented 5 years ago

@lamboom sorry for the late reply. Could you try disabling columns (the cog icon in the top right of the tables) in mods and plugins to see impacts speeds? If so, can you narrow down which one? The most likely candidate is "Install Order" and "Dependencies" in the mods list. Further: Could you give an estimate of how many rules you have set up (mod order and load order rules)?

TanninOne commented 4 years ago

Closing due to lack of feedback.

VortexFeedback commented 3 years ago

Vortex Version: 1.2.20 Memory: 15.90 GB System: win32 x64 (10.0.19041) Extended program active time seems to agrivate and pronounce the slowdowns similar to issue #3400. Even when not in use it starts to mysteriously consume system resources leading to very sluggish responses, even to watching what i'm typing in this report taking about ten seconds to fully appear. I have even seen the cpu at 100% usage and when vortex is exited it drop to around 17-20% (potentially due, in part, to the mods and plugins tabs) Quite annoying when you've had a sleep and come back to something running like it's doing an extremely major workload, when all it is doing is waiting.

Sending application state log, hopefully. Also, confirmation boxes/windows are frequently hanging the program at this time.

External file: tmp-157122Y9wjM3mqmnw.7z

Reported by: ChaosGodstone

IDCs commented 3 years ago

Re-opening as new feedback for 1.2.20 has been received.

Hi ChaosGodstone, once you can confirm Vortex slowing down again - can you please help us debug this by:

@lamboom sorry for the late reply. Could you try disabling columns (the cog icon in the top right of the tables) in mods and plugins to see impacts speeds? If so, can you narrow down which one? The most likely candidate is "Install Order" and "Dependencies" in the mods list. Further: Could you give an estimate of how many rules you have set up (mod order and load order rules)?

ChaosGodstone commented 3 years ago

Mods tab: Disabling the Source column caused a large drop in CPU activity. Disabling the Installed Files column made a similar drop in CPU activity.

Biggest impact seems to be from the above. Switching to Plugins tab is pretty slow but could be due to the 1003 total plugins.

Plugins tab: Disabling the LOOT Messages (inlined) column caused a spike in CPU activity. Reenabling the above caused a drop in CPU activity.

Plugins load order rules: 25

ChaosGodstone commented 3 years ago

The mod file deployment rules stand approx an estimated 250+ at minimum.

ChaosGodstone commented 3 years ago

It would appear that regardless of other considerations, switching to Fallout 4 causes the issue to be made abominably manifest.

At 931 active mods Fallout 4 is quite heavily modded but Skyrim SE is only just behind at 724.

TanninOne commented 3 years ago

I doubt the number of mods per se is relevant, an excessive number of mod and plugin rules is more likely to cause slow downs. I will add some logging for that with the next release (1.3.3)

Re: the columns you mentioned: I'm 99.9% certain that the source column itself can't be the cause for a lot of CPU activity and we don't have an "installed files" column so I don't know exactly what you mean there. Is it possible that disabling columns in general reduces the cpu activity?

Please try this:

This should help us investigate what precisely is going on. Please let me reinforce that you don't want to record performance stats for too long, that recording can become pretty sizable and the dev tool may even run out of memory and crash eventually.

EDIT: Vortex already logs the time it takes to sort plugins. The sorting times for mods is not logged but on my system (even a heavily modded game required less than than a hundred rules) that takes less than a second.

ChaosGodstone commented 3 years ago

RE: Columns. Vortex-Mods Vortex-Plugins

ChaosGodstone commented 3 years ago

Hit a slow down. Vortex-Unresponsive

ChaosGodstone commented 3 years ago

Not sure if the pictures are any use but I reasoned, what the hell. :) Vortex-Slow

.json has reached 277mb pretty quickly, as you suggested it would.

... the heavy load on the memory, due to having only 16GB, could also be partly a causal factor of slow down. ... at least, for me in this situation.

TanninOne commented 3 years ago

Ok, a few things: a) Deployment is a performance heavy operation, we don't expect Vortex to be buttery smooth while it's doing hundreds of thousands of disk operations in the background. If this is the only time you notice slowdowns then this is a non-issue. b) what version of Vortex are you running? c) Could you try going to settings, disable "Custom Window Title Bar" and (after the required restart) see if that makes a notable difference? d) I see you have 4 cpu cores at 100%. That can not be caused by Vortex, Vortex is single-threaded, it can utilize one core to 100% or 4 cores to 25% but not 4 cores at 100%. The performance recording too may be causing cpu load on top but that too is single-threaded. So either you're running something else that is extremely cpu intensive or you have some other software set up that incurs further load, e.g. you may have a spectacularly stupid Anti Virus software that scans every mod file as Vortex deploys them.

ChaosGodstone commented 3 years ago

a) Yep. Deployment and plugin sorting seems to be the main culprits, but I find it a little strange that Fallout 4 so rapidly does this when Skyrim SE, etc. do not. SSE comes to it in relatively short bursts but it appears to settle down after the fact which Fallout 4 (conversely) seems to keep untill Vortex is restarted. I will admit I was beginning to suspect performance of equipment was an aggravating factor.

b) 1.2.20

c) Underway.

d) I only have the supplied Windows 10 Microsoft Windows Defender running... unless that does it, using real-time scanning.

ChaosGodstone commented 3 years ago

Did another recording where I: Switched game mode, clicked on Mods tab, clicked on Plugins tab and then let it perform an archive check.

ChaosGodstone commented 3 years ago

Strange... I've set the Stardock Curtains program to Windows Default theme and watched a Fallout 4 deployment at average 50% CPU with only the initial stage of 'Preparing Game Settings' taking 100% for a short time. *preceding snapshots part

The only other Windows skinning program active is AeroGlass, which happens to not be fully compatible with the latest Windows 10 update 2004.

..... 0_o thinking out loud ... compatibility problem between the skinning programs impacting on Vortex? Or just Stardock's program interfering?

TanninOne commented 3 years ago

Ok, so in your new profile Vortex is spending a lot of time parsing the esp files. To put this into perspective: On my system it takes around 2ms to parse an esp, fluctuating between 0.5 and 6ms (fluctuations are normal since the disk does work for other applications and windows in parallel). In your profile it fluctuates between 20 to almost 900ms, around 100 times slower than mine. Now this is running of a (consumer) SSD here but even if it's a spinning disk on your system, this seems excessive.

Apart from that I can't see anything unusual happening, it's just that everything seems to take excessively long for no apparent reason. Look at this for example:


See that tiny pink bar on the left? That is Vortex updating the ui for the frame in 0.7 milliseconds. The gray bar at the top? That's the process being blocked for 800ms doing nothing. I see how this makes for a choppy experience if the ui doesn't react for a whole second but Vortex doesn't do anything in the time. There is no reason, based on what Vortex is doing, why the process is blocked so long.

Windows Defender shouldn't be causing this, I'm running that myself, but especially the performance hit during deployment and the slow esp parsing both point to very very slow disk operations that can't just be explained by slow hardware. Do you notice that elsewhere? Like, are loading times for games or applications from that disk slow in general?

Regarding the Stardock program: It's not like applications communicate with skinning programs, there isn't really anything for us to do to be "compatible". The only thing I could imagine is that the skinning software achieves certain effects by forcing applications to (partially) re-render more frequently than usual and that re-rendering in Vortex could be a lot more expensive than in native windows applications. You can think of it like this: Traditional applications achieve good performance by drawing ui really quickly, web/electron applications like Vortex achieve good performance by avoiding all unnecessary ui drawing (work smart not hard). If something external were to force an electron app to draw all the time, that could ruin all the optimization we're doing to achieve good performance. I could imagine a scenario where - lets say you have an animated background and your skinning software wants to produce a fake transparency effect. It would have to do that by blending the window on top of the background but because the background moves, the window has to be re-rendered completely every single frame, even if the window didn't change at all.

This is purely speculation based on you saying disabling the theme had an effect though. From the profiles you sent it doesn't seem like your Vortex does more work than usual, it just look like that the work takes much more time than usual.

The other possibility is that "Curtains" injects itself into the Vortex process to change how ui rendering works from that end and then their code blocks the process for some reason. In that case the fault would be fully with that skinning software though, there is really nothing we could be doing about that.

ChaosGodstone commented 3 years ago

The latest recording, excessively longer than wanted due to parent leaving for home. You can clearly see Vortex has dramatically dropped the milliseconds of delay.

I suppose part of my attempt is to see what the perceived problem is and if it can be remedied. If, by finding another program incompatible by it's way of working, that is achieved it means that it can be mentioned as a potential cause of problems rather than Vortex.

If you will, another offhand 'Vortex is crap' comment, smasher. :)

My C: Drive is SSD, D: (where the Bethesda games are stored) is a hybrid drive. the other drives in my system are standard hard disks.

VortexFeedback commented 3 years ago

Vortex Version: 1.3.13 Memory: 7.90 GB System: win32 x64 (10.0.18363) this sbject should hae been closed long ago I no longer hae this issue

Reported by: ravernware

IDCs commented 3 years ago

Hi @ChaosGodstone, so does disabling your theme-ing application (Curtains) make any difference at all ?

ChaosGodstone commented 3 years ago

It does. Like TanninOne says it does also seem to be performance-related as I have a large number of mods downloaded so Fallout 4 Does seem to be the first one to be affected between it and Skyrim Special Edition if I install too many of them. Not sure, but I did very recently do a clean install of both SSE and Fo4 to a SSD so that might speed responsiveness theoretically.

IDCs commented 3 years ago

Thanks for confirming ChaosGodstone; can any of the other affected users let us know whether they are using a 3rd party skinning/theme-ing application. And whether Vortex's performance improves when its disabled ?

Keep in mind that if you have a massive mods collection on an old spinning disk drive, deploying is a very hefty task and is expected to slow down your machine somewhat.

ChaosGodstone commented 3 years ago

Mod Archive (.zip, .rar, .7zip) count: SSE = 1023 Fo4 - 1236

Plus a number of them are Loose files slowing things down without BSA(2)-ing them, so it is possibly a combination problem for those that have it.

I suppose a suggestion would be to have the ability to package the loose files of mods via an option in Vortex that would allow for users to have more responsive games. Although, that said there are files that need to be (according to some mods) loose to make the mod run as described. That causes some problems in deciding which get packaged.

VortexFeedback commented 1 year ago

Vortex Version: 1.6.14 Memory: 31.93 GB System: win32 x64 (10.0.22621) This was an old comment. Vortex works fine now. Especially on my new Thermaltake LCGS Shadow 360AIO Liquid Gaming System. Includes: MSI Main board/Pro Bios, AMD RYZEN 5 5600 6-core processor, NVIDIA Geforce RTX 3060 12GB, 32GB Toughram DDR4 3600Mhz RGB, 1TB NVMe M.2 SSD, 4TB Western Digital Blue 3D Nand SSD. Windows 11. Screaming fast, super quiet, beautiful, awesome rig and now only $1,299 at Amazon. Worth every penny. Please close my original comment. Vortex and Fallout 4 now only take a few seconds to run.

Reported by: ravernware