NexusMutual / cover-router

Computes optimal capacity allocation per Nexus Mutual staking pool on cover purchase
MIT License
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Cover router should expose used capacity per pool, per product #38

Open roxdanila opened 1 year ago

roxdanila commented 1 year ago

Endpoints interface to be defined with Andreea, and used in the staking pool view table

mixplore commented 1 year ago


Used capacity for each pool (overall)

Endpoint route: /staking-pools/capacity

    poolId: number;
    usedCapacity: string; // hex convertible to BigNumber

Endpoint route: /staking-pools/:pool-id/capacity

    poolId: number;
    usedCapacity: string; // hex convertible to BigNumber

Used capacity for each pool product

Endpoint route: /staking-pool/:pool-id/products

    productId: number;
    usedCapacity: string; // hex convertible to BigNumber