NexusMutual / cover-router

Computes optimal capacity allocation per Nexus Mutual staking pool on cover purchase
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fix: Convert assetId to number #92

Closed rackstar closed 1 month ago

rackstar commented 1 month ago


open-cover asked why was string and if we would support input of assetId as string.

looking at our smart-contracts it seems we take in assetId as a number Pool.getAsset(uint assetId). So maybe we should enforce that all assetId should be in number format.

Although this is technically a breaking change, since open-cover is the only consumer for now and this was only released earlier today maybe we can fix it otherwise we'll be stuck with this inconsistency.

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roxdanila commented 1 month ago

does our UI consume this too?

rackstar commented 1 month ago

does our UI consume this too?

I don't think so. I seem to remember @mixplore mentioning FE has 6 hardcoded for USDC

rackstar commented 1 month ago

does our UI consume this too?

I don't think so. I seem to remember @mixplore mentioning FE has 6 hardcoded for USDC

@Gideonnn confirmed the new asset object is not consumed in the FE