Nexusoft / NexusInterface

The official Logical and Interface layers of the Nexus Software Stack.
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Mined COINBASE transactions once mature not resulting in CREDITs being processed #223

Closed NealHelman closed 7 months ago

NealHelman commented 7 months ago

I am solo mining on the prime channel. The Transaction screen shows COINBASE transactions that were mined. However, no CREDIT transactions are created once the COINBASE reaches 500 confirms. I was able to generate CREDITs for two COINBASEs using the finance/credit/account API.

Expected behavior Expected behavior is for CREDIT transactions to be generated once a COINBASE transaction reaches 500 confirms.

Desktop (please complete the following information):

NealHelman commented 7 months ago

Resolved with 3.1.1-beta11/5.1.1-rc17.1