The ToDoList is a project that entails adding and deleting various tasks and being able to edit these tasks while using Webpack to build and display the list on the browser.Built using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React
Your JS code looks great as it follows DRY principles and utilizes DOM manipulation successfully🥳🥳🥳
There aren't any specific errors that need changing, just that it would be great if you could split your JS files into more modules. I see that the index.JS file has 113 lines of code. Lengthy JS files hinder page speed which is why it is important for you to divide JS files into modules. Perhaps placing the edit task, add task and remove task function into respective folders will be of help in limiting/ simplifying the index.js file.
❗❗❗Remember that this is an OPTIONAL suggestion ❗❗❗
Great job in completing your To-do list✅✅✅