NguyenDanPhuong / MangaRipper

This software helps you download manga (Japanese Comic) from several websites for your offline viewing.
MIT License
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SSL/TLS Unhandled Exception [Ignorable?] #132

Closed eksynn closed 4 years ago

eksynn commented 6 years ago

I'm getting an error when i launch mangaripper...

i can then either click continue (which just continues on) or quit, which immediately closes the app

please advise?

Anh9000 commented 6 years ago

im getting the same error


Here's the log: 2018-03-08.log

BaganLee commented 6 years ago

I am getting the same error too

Logs :

TromboneFreak commented 6 years ago

Same issue, here. 1.0.321


xthephreakx commented 6 years ago

is there a know work around for this ?

GambitKZ commented 6 years ago

Sorry guys. Never got this kind of error. The only useful information is in the @TromboneFreak logs:

System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not find file ``

`System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not find file 'C:\Users\ghost\AppData\Roaming\MangaRipper\Data\Bookmarks.json'.`

But I don't think it's the main reason here.

xthephreakx commented 6 years ago

I thought it might have something to do with windows updates. But did a clean install of windows 10 in a VM with no updates same error. Tried and older and a newer version.

Does de application use any cerificates ? Could be due to an expired certificate because the complain is about ssl/stl

xthephreakx commented 6 years ago

Will upload my log also but contains the same error and others

GambitKZ commented 6 years ago

Does de application use any certificates

No, nothing of the sort.

Will upload my log also but contains the same error and others

Do you mean you also have "System.IO.FileNotFoundException" or it's just a log without an error?

xthephreakx commented 6 years ago

yes thats what i mean: | ERROR | ApplicationConfiguration | System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not find file 'C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\MangaRipper\Data\CommonSettings.json'.

| ERROR | ApplicationConfiguration | System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not find file 'C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\MangaRipper\Data\DownloadChapterTasks.json'.

both files exist in the Data folder and have the correct permissions

if you click ok following error occurs in log

ERROR | ParserHelper | Cannot parse below content.


GambitKZ commented 6 years ago

And "Run as Admin" also didn't help?

xthephreakx commented 6 years ago

tried that first also disableing antivirus and firewall

GambitKZ commented 6 years ago

btw. what is shown if you press the "Details" button?

xthephreakx commented 6 years ago


GambitKZ commented 6 years ago


Maybe this part at blame here?

xthephreakx commented 6 years ago

could be i will edit it to see what it does.

didnt work...

what i also find wierd is that i did a clean windows install with no updates on it no firewall or antivirus and still get the same error..

xthephreakx commented 6 years ago

could it be a .net issue ?

GambitKZ commented 6 years ago


could it be a .net issue?

I have no idea. It never worked, or it's just stopped suddenly?

Maybe you should install free VisualStudio Community - Download the SourceCode: image

Open it in VisualStudio and press "Start" image

This either fix it or at least you will catch an exception in the code.

Can't argue though that it's an overkill. However, it's hard to do anything if you can't reproduce it :(

xthephreakx commented 6 years ago

Main pc windows 10 worked until yesterday but haven’t used it since January.

Thought it was windows updates so did a clean install of windows 10 same issue. Then tried a windows 7 machine which didn’t work either. So I was able to reproduce on 2 other machines.

Will try your method but that will be tomorrow as I don’t have time tonight

xthephreakx commented 6 years ago

not sure if i'm doing this correct but when i try to start i get the following error.



could you give me a bit more detail on how to do this.

Also tried to run in on server 2016 and server 2008 r2 wich results in same error, but when i click continue i can enter e website i used the following wich results in the following error:

image | ERROR | WorkerController | Failed to find chapters: CloudFlareUtilities.CloudFlareClearanceException: Clearance failed after 4 attempt(s). at CloudFlareUtilities.ClearanceHandler.d__15.MoveNext() --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---

GambitKZ commented 6 years ago

CloudFlareUtilities.CloudFlareClearanceException: Clearance failed after 4 attempt(s).

Well, this is a known issue - #134

could you give me a bit more detail on how to do this.

In theory, everything should be simple. Just in case - step by step instruction:

  1. Open Solution
  2. Right click on Solution -> Restore NuGet Package
  3. Right click on Solution -> Build Solution image
  4. Right click on "MangaRipper" project -> "Set as StartUp Project" image
  5. Press "Start" image
xthephreakx commented 6 years ago

been trying to get it to work but no succes unfortunatly ...

have you been able to replicate te issue ?

GambitKZ commented 6 years ago

@xthephreakx Unfortunately no. But hey, if you have an issue with the access to "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\" folder, how about putting the data into the root folder. Could you please test this option: Download me (Totaly not a virus, lol)

xthephreakx commented 6 years ago

oke tried that no error message lik epreviously

now i get a "clearance failed agter 4 attempts" popup message Download Canccelled! Reason: clearance failed agter 4 attempts


tried the following urls:

after clearing logfolder and data folder tried it again. i could get all the chapters but when trying to download i get the same clearance failed message.

update 3: when trying to download 1 chapter it works. when trying to download multiple chapters get the clearance failed error but after trying some more times chapters will download aswell but will get the same error after every downloaded chapter

Update 4: When using other site like no errors and faster download same goes for mangastream

GambitKZ commented 6 years ago

@xthephreakx Woah, Woah. Hold your horses.

First of all, looks like the issue was with access to the "'C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\MangaRipper\Data\" folder. I believe if you create a new windows user and run the original MangaRipper under this user - you will not get an error.

Second: I have already mentioned the "clearance failed after 4 attempts" error two posts ago. It's an error in 3-rd party library, so no MangaKiss for a while. And yes, we are watching over it - #134

GambitKZ commented 6 years ago

Ok, looks like I also get this error. I have downloaded the latest version, unzip it and execute the "exe" file.

The problem was in the logic which checking the latest version from the GitHub: image

I never encounter it before, because I used the files which I build myself.

xthephreakx commented 6 years ago

well i'm glad you could reproduce the issue !

will be waiting for a fix :D