NguyenPhuLoc666666 / df-frontend-2023
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Submission for assignment-3 #3

Open NguyenPhuLoc666666 opened 1 year ago

NguyenPhuLoc666666 commented 1 year ago


trankhacvy commented 11 months ago

Hello @NguyenPhuLoc666666 , nice work but there is room for improvement!


Final result: ❌ Failed


We also have some comments for your work:

  1. Using only one configuration file is recommended because using multiple configurations can lead to unexpected errors. phuloc66config

  2. I noticed some linting errors in your code. phuloc666

  3. It seems like your lint-staged configuration isn't working. I'm able to commit without any linting checks.

  4. Since we only have three types of dialogs, you might want to change the "dialog" type to a union type.

type DialogType = 'create-dialog' | 'delete-dialog' | 'info-dialog'

const handleOpenDialog = (dialog: DialogType, book: IBook): void => {

5 . When we assign a value to our variables, TypeScript can automatically figure out the type from that value. So, you don't have to explicitly declare the type for these kinds of variables.