Nhogs / popoto

Visual query builder for Neo4j graph database
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Statement syntax error in cypherviewer module #64

Open L4R4 opened 4 years ago

L4R4 commented 4 years ago

In this example: grafo malo 2

When you run the cypher query on Neo4J Engine this is the result : Neo.ClientError.Statement.SyntaxError

If you put quotes to the value of the title property then you have the result: (no changes, no records)

But the result shown in the popoto result panel is: name:Tom Tykwer born:1965

But the correct syntax of the Cypher query that produces the last result is this:

MATCH (person:Person), (person:Person)-[:DIRECTED]->(movie1:Movie) WHERE (movie1.title = "Cloud Atlas") AND (NOT (person:Person)-[:PRODUCED]->(:Movie{title:"Ninja Assassin"})) RETURN person

So you have to remove the following part in the MATCH: , (person:Person)-[:PRODUCED]->(movie2:Movie)

And that Cypher query is the right one that gives the desired result.