Nhogs / popoto

Visual query builder for Neo4j graph database
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Using local graph data with popoto.js #75

Closed shoaib-jpeg closed 2 years ago

shoaib-jpeg commented 3 years ago

Hi everyone,

In my app I'm simply trying to display data from my neo4j database but am having some trouble understanding some things. I am aware that BOLT is not supported by popoto.js, so what I did was retrieve data using PHP and store the result locally. My question is, how do I use the local data I have stored and use it in my popoto visualization? The reason I'm confused is that I still need to provide a value for popoto.rest.CYPHER_URL even though I won't be using it. Thanks in advance.

Edit: This is the query I'm using to retrieve data: Match (n:Bay)-[r]->(m:Parts) Return n,r,m

When using this query, neoviz.js has no issue visualizing the data, so I was wondering how i can use the data retireved from running this query in popoto

Popotojs commented 2 years ago

Hi Popoto is now using BOLT through Neo4j Javascript Drivers

It is not easy to use local data with Popoto because on each UI action cypher queries are runs to filter the results, it can be done without simulating a Neo4J server