Nhogs / popoto

Visual query builder for Neo4j graph database
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How to avoid exposing password of neo user? #90

Open diyoyo opened 1 year ago

diyoyo commented 1 year ago

Hi, is there another way to avoid having the password in clear text within the index.html file? It looks very unsafe to me.

I know I could make sure to only use a view only user that has only access to the views we want to show, but that would still not satisfy me enough.

Any help? Thanks.

Popotojs commented 1 year ago

Hi, You can create a proxy for the driver on a backend server and only use the credentials there.

diyoyo commented 1 year ago

Could you guide me a little more in that direction please? What is a driver proxy? Thanks.

Popotojs commented 1 year ago

I answered a bit quickly, a proxy might be hard to put in place on a backend server as you would have to support the full driver API.

You have other options detailed here: https://community.neo4j.com/t/protect-the-database-login-credentials-when-working-with-javascript/1052/3

In short you can