Nhowka / Elmish.Bridge

Create client-server Fable-Elmish apps keeping a single mindset
MIT License
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Error in instructions for Saturn #33

Closed davedawkins closed 3 years ago

davedawkins commented 3 years ago

In this section

open Elmish
open Elmish.Bridge

let server =
  Bridge.mkServer Shared.endpoint init update
  |> Bridge.run Giraffe.server

let webApp =    // <---- ??? not referenced
  choose [
    server // <---- referenced twice?
    route "/" >=> htmlFile "/pages/index.html" ]

let app =
  application {
    router server   // <---- ??? use_router?  server referenced twice?
    app_config Giraffe.useWebSockets
    url uri

run app

Should that read instead use_router webApp ?

davedawkins commented 3 years ago

Closed as duplicate -- first submission appeared to fail, sorry