Nibre / MotherVR

This Mod brings current generation VR support to the game Alien: Isolation
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Instructions unclear how to use Maintenance Jack #122

Open Chainers89 opened 5 years ago

Chainers89 commented 5 years ago

Hey man,

First off, love the mod. Ran into an issue though. I have no clue how to use the maintenance jack. After I get it, I pretty much try pressing and holding every combination of buttons but nothing seems to work. Mind explaining how it can be done?

Chainers89 commented 5 years ago

Hey so I think it is more complicated than just unclear instructions. When using a mouse and keyboard, it works just fine. The controls just don't work for the VR pad.

I have a samsung Odyssey + if that helps. Also, sorry if it is not supported. Just wanted to let you know.

zissakos commented 5 years ago

I actually ran into the same issue where it was not clear with the Oculus Touch controllers. For one of those doors where you have to push down those levers, when prompted to press LB I had to press the RIGHT Grip Button to continue... Maybe this helps someone.

Nibre commented 5 years ago

Yea, there's an issue right now where it doesn't always show the correct buttons to press that I'm working on fixing (because the mappings aren't 1:1 replacements). I believe the correct buttons to press should be Aim + Fire, so that'd be Right Grip and Right Trigger together.

ElricOfMelnibone commented 5 years ago

Just to follow up a bit on Nibre's post and elaborate a little for the Vive, I found out how to make it work. So despite the instructions saying to hold both triggers, you have to hold both grips down, THEN also hold down the triggers (aim then fire as Nibre said, but both), and THEN you get a second instruction that shows on the screen while holding those and you have to press the left touchpad on its left edge.

helifax commented 5 years ago

Just Right Trigger + Right Grip for the Vive (and the push the Left Touchpad on the "Left" Button) works for the Vive.