Nibre / MotherVR

This Mod brings current generation VR support to the game Alien: Isolation
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"Comfort" effect possible? #130

Open dday4thedeceiver opened 5 years ago

dday4thedeceiver commented 5 years ago

Google Earth VR has a "comfort mode" that limits your view to a circular portal in the middle while you are moving in any direction. Could this be done? Even a rectangular clip should work. It seems to solve the motion sickness during movement (not turning), however the effect is pretty mild in Google Earth VR to begin with.

ElricOfMelnibone commented 5 years ago

I agree that if possible, this would be awesome to implement. I played a ton of Fallout 4 VR and Skyrim VR and thank god for the comfort mode on those. Eventually I was able to reduce it to the point where I no longer needed it, but that took me hundreds of hours. If I had tried it cold, I'd be vomiting all over myself, lol (almost did when I tried free movement in some other games without the comfort mode). I now don't need it at all for AI, but for anyone who hasn't (or can't) got used to free movement, such a mode would be a godsend.

dday4thedeceiver commented 5 years ago

I have also seen it used recently in The Forest, where it comes in a low and a high level I believe. The difference is how much of the outer rim is blacked/masked out and both settings are less heavy-handed than Google Earth. As The Forest doesn't allow for teleport-style movement (just like AI) it's been pretty indispensable. For me, the low setting helped a little while the high setting eliminated motion sickness completely and did not detract from the atmosphere.

ElricOfMelnibone commented 5 years ago

Speaking of comfort, it would be awesome if Nibre could somehow get rid of the camera "shake" effects used throughout the game. For example, I was just doing the "escape" level (where you're on your way back with the trauma kit) where stuff is on fire and you have to make your way to and up a ladder. Well the camera shakes throughout that level, I guess to add "realism" to the explosions and such going on around you. But wow, the NAUSEA. I'm still feeling woozy as I write this. I had to quit. I have otherwise solid VR legs, use free movement in every VR game I can with no comfort settings. But shaking the camera like that is a recipe for vomit. Dunno if it's possible to fix that, but I'd be pretty happy if so. Otherwise I have to try to make it through with my eyes closed most of the time.

ElricOfMelnibone commented 5 years ago

Okay, speaking of nausea, that last level where you're escaping Sevastopol and everything in the game is tilted? Instant puke-storm. Okay, so I didn't actually puke, but my stomach did start heaving a bit, right after I broke out in a cold sweat and started feeling dizzy the instant I tried turning my head in-game. Those tilted camera angles are NOT good for VR. I ended up having to lie down for a few minutes, then go do other things until I felt up to trying again. Once back in the game, I kept my eyes closed as much as possible until I was through all the tilted stuff. Really really really not fun. So again (to beat a dead horse here), if there's any way to stop the game from taking camera control away from the player (except limited cut-scene moments, I guess) AND stop it from tilting the camera like that and shaking it, etc, that would be terrifically super awesome! Thanks for listening.