Nibre / MotherVR

This Mod brings current generation VR support to the game Alien: Isolation
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Black screen when using computers. Also, camera control? And maybe hands? #136

Open ElricOfMelnibone opened 5 years ago

ElricOfMelnibone commented 5 years ago

Just following up on some other posts here. When using a computer terminal, for example, and the game takes camera control away from me, I think it's clipping through a model or something because the screen goes black and I can't see the computer. I did manage to stop it by positioning myself differently before using the terminal, but that was probably just luck. If there's any way to stop the game from taking camera control away (scripted sequences), that would be awesome because hopefully it would stop this clipping issue, and also because it tends to make me nauseous (and yeah, I have my VR legs from tons of time in Skyrim VR and Fallout 4 VR using smooth locomotion). It would also be great if there was a way to attach hands to where the controls are so we can see where we're reaching. I know there are limits to what you can do with the game, but if it's possible, that too would be awesome. Great effort though, will be donating.

Spikerama commented 5 years ago

I have experienced this as well but I think it's due to an in-game proprioception issue.

The best thing I've found in this instance is to use the HMD repostition keys. In my case the two front Bumper keys on X-Box controller. That will mount your view in the right place to carry on with the monitor.

Monitors in VR for Alien Isolation is a tricky challenge because the 2D version has very specific animations attached to the sequence. I'm not sure how it works exactly but to try and allow for loose VR interaction with motion controlled hands would require a complete re-coding of the existing Variables and Statements. Game braking stuff.

I'm just happy with muddling around the existing state it's in right now. Even though there are quite a number of things that could be better, it's the most polished long form experience in VR to date.

And it was never released for VR.

Amazing right?

ElricOfMelnibone commented 5 years ago

I'll give the in-game repositioning buttons a try on my Vive! And yeah, this mod is pretty amazing. I absolutely love the fact that I can walk around inside the Alien/s world and feel like I'm there. If anyone at Sega had a brain, they'd be paying Nibre (and lending their technical support) to help with the VR conversion/completion, because I can guarantee that if this game were officially released for VR on Steam, it would make an absolute killing (not everyone wants or has the wherewithal to mess with DLL's, etc, or even knows about MotherVR). Missed opportunity there.

ElricOfMelnibone commented 5 years ago

Alas, there don't appear to be repositioning buttons for the Vive, I don't own an X-Box controller, and while playing I'm nowhere near my keyboard (I'm in room-scale, with a TPCast, and man is that fun!).

So for now, I try not to crouch until I have to (because the problems start there). And I periodically check my feet and if they're too far from center, I physically recenter myself over them and that seems to mostly fix things. However after this bug appears, when I turn my head, it seems slightly off-center regardless (I think too far back?).

Strangely, if I walk over some doorways (the ones that make you step up slightly as you pass through them) it almost fixes itself.

budwheizzah commented 5 years ago

You can turn off the clipping blinders in the MotherVR menu options. Might sometimes give weird results, but this game's clipping blinder is overzealous... it frequently over reacts and blinds you while you're clearly not clipping into anything. It's a good idea to turn that off.

ElricOfMelnibone commented 5 years ago

I turned those off, thanks! I'll pay more attention next time I play and see how well they're working when I'm really close to other objects (seemed okay when I played yesterday). Unfortunately they don't seem to have any effect on the black screen when I get off-center from the character model though.