Nibre / MotherVR

This Mod brings current generation VR support to the game Alien: Isolation
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v0.8 Crash to Desktop (Vive): Upon initial selection of SteamVR, A:I crashes to desktop and cannot be loaded #189

Open GR00V3R opened 4 years ago

GR00V3R commented 4 years ago

Hi Nibre,

Firstly, thank you for all your hard work on bringing Alien: Isolation to VR (and Vive in particular). :)

I have found that v0.8 won't run.


  1. After installing DLL, I launch SteamVR.
  2. I launch A:I, and then click Okay to launch in SteamVR.
  3. I navigate to Options > MotherVR.
  4. Upon initial selection for Runtime VR of SteamVR, A:I crashes to desktop.
  5. Follow-up attempts to launch A:I fail—the application does not load.
Bluscream commented 4 years ago

Issue # 184 ([Wiki] Command Line Arguments) at Nibre/MotherVR -