Nibre / MotherVR

This Mod brings current generation VR support to the game Alien: Isolation
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Very visible popup of objects/textures that is not present in standard version #194

Open SimplexPL opened 4 years ago

SimplexPL commented 4 years ago

VR version 0.8.0 has bad popup issues, 2D version does not have it. I recorded two videos that show the issue:

Could someone test it on their side? It easily visible at the very beginning of the game when you get out of the stasis pods, there are photos on the walls and they also disappear.

MattFiler commented 4 years ago

Have you tried downloading OpenCAGE to edit your graphics config?

Level of detail "pop-in" distance is scaled by the LOD value option selected. You can change this LOD value by editing the presets in the graphics settings editor of OpenCAGE.

By default, the LOD value scalar is in the range of 1.0-0.6 (1.0 being "Ultra", and 0.6 being "Low"). Because this is simply a scalar, you can add a custom LOD value preset of a giant number, and you'll no longer have lower LODs load in (E.G. I have mine set on 10,000 for "Ultra" instead of the default).

Hope this helps!

SimplexPL commented 4 years ago

I already finished the game and uninstalled, so perhaps someone else will test it. But I assume that if I there are no LOD issues (on the same settings) in non-VR mode and there are LOD issues (on the same settings) in VR mode, then this is a bug with the VR mod and this solutiokn will not work - I hope I'm wrong.

B01scout commented 4 years ago

I have the issue as well. Started playing again after some months and I can clearly see the poor LOD. Decals disappear and mesh levels degrade rapidly. My LOD setting is set to 2.0 right now. I'm about to set it to a higher value and check again. The game clearly does not have this issue at all without VR.

Update: Checked with LOD of 6.0. Nothing changed. Same detail popping.

SimplexPL commented 3 years ago

Aww, man, this is hearbreaking :( I really hoped this is an issue with my setup. I wonder if this problem was there from the begininng, or not. I did not find any complaints about it - perhaps people assumed it behaves the same in the pancake version and never actually checked. I am very sensitive to popup and LOD transitions, so I immediately noticed it.

baylor703 commented 3 years ago

I have this issue as well. I may be wrong, but do not remember this problem before the 0.8.0 version. Coffee Mugs and other items won't pop up until you are just a few feet away from them, regardless of the LOD value scalar. I wonder if this could be related to a conflict in something like the Nvidea application settings, or if it was a real bug introduced in v 0.8.0 and above.

SimplexPL commented 3 years ago

I hope it's eventually fixed, it was a deal breaker for me.

baylor703 commented 3 years ago

I might try to install an earlier version and see if the cause was 0.8.0 and report back. In either case, I'm absolutely positive there was a time in the past that I didn't have the problem.

helifax commented 3 years ago

As far as I remember, the popup issue was always there on every version and I tried all of them. I am not sure, but I think MotherVR uses the VR prototype the game has. It was demoed by the devs, but they never finished it. Yet parts of the code are still there in the game :) I think this aggressive LOD switching is coming from there.

jfb4497 commented 3 years ago

So I think this has gotten worse over time with Steam's OpenVR, whereas when I switch to using a Quest 2 instead of an Index, I see much, much less of the culling and pop-in issues when using the Oculus VR runtime. Have others noticed the same?