Nibre / MotherVR

This Mod brings current generation VR support to the game Alien: Isolation
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Game not mirroring on to computer monitor #32

Open Pixelfudger opened 7 years ago

Pixelfudger commented 7 years ago

I have the game working in the CV1 headset and it looks gorgeous! Is there a way to mirror the view onto the desktop as well so that friends can see my view as we play? It currently displays a black screen with a mouse pointer.

baggyg commented 7 years ago

From the official notes:

"Game window will show solid black, even though the game does show in the headset. You can use OculusMirror.exe for watching/recording with in the meantime (located in Oculus\Support\oculus-diagnostics)"

Pixelfudger commented 7 years ago

Oh thanks I must have missed that part... I have Oculus Mirror running but whenever I alt tab so it is on top the game crashes, any solutions aside from getting a second monitor?

MulleredOG commented 7 years ago

alt tabbing or removing the headset crashes the game instantly for me

Nibre commented 7 years ago

Alt-tab crash was fixed in the latest release.

petrhipik commented 6 years ago

And if i have HTC VIVE? What then?

Nibre commented 6 years ago

You can use the Display Mirror if you're playing through SteamVR

JoshWobbles commented 6 years ago

Any way to hide the Alien Isolation game window from showing (keep it minimized)? It keeps opening over the display mirror.

Sageman98 commented 6 years ago

I too am seeing the problem where the black game window on the display will not minimize and can not see the display mirror window. Anyone have any ideas?

virtualmisterl commented 6 years ago

I have the same problem for vive & vive pro on win10. Cannot minimise the black game screen & cannot get the mirror to sit on top :-( would love for friends to see my gameplay & vise versa.

Nibre commented 6 years ago

For now, you should be able to set the game to be windowed and at something small like 720p. I know that Oculus forces the game window to be selected once you've put the headset on, so it may be easier to put the mirror window off to the side of the 720p one