Nibre / MotherVR

This Mod brings current generation VR support to the game Alien: Isolation
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Mouse focus/capture is out to lunch #79

Open budwheizzah opened 6 years ago

budwheizzah commented 6 years ago

I've been having massive issues keeping the mouse pointer from flying out of this game constantly. While playing Alien Isolation I have accidentally:

1) Closed my Oculus mirror, which I use to record the actual gameplay 2) Changed OBS scenes 3) Disliked a youtube video (the browser window was on the desktop LOL)

It's pretty simple, the windows mouse pointer keeps returning and going out of the game's window, and you end up clicking on things on your desktop while you're playing the game. Sometimes you luckily click the game window again and everything comes back to normal, and sometimes you have to take the headset off to notice what's going on.

Nibre commented 6 years ago

I can maybe make it lock the mouse inside, even when in a menu, and add it to the settings. So I'll try to do that at some point

Zabeus commented 6 years ago

For some reason I used to have this issue a lot in the old version, and it also happens with a couple of other Unreal VR games, but in the latest version I didn't encounter it at all.