Nic30 / hdlConvertor

Fast Verilog/VHDL parser preprocessor and code generator for C++/Python based on ANTLR4
MIT License
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VHDL: open is not handled correctly when trying to write AST to VHDL #154

Closed Partidani closed 3 years ago

Partidani commented 3 years ago


trying to parse and rewrite a VHDL from the AST. As title says, open keyword is not handled correctly in port associations. Parsing is successful, but the output stream stops at the point where the open keyword was in the original source.

Use case:

foo_ins: entity
    generic map (
        a => 4
    port map (
        clk => clk,
        b => open


foo_ins: GENERIC MAP(
        a => 4
        clk => clk,
        b => 
Nic30 commented 3 years ago

Fixed in #156