Nic30 / hdlConvertor

Fast Verilog/VHDL parser preprocessor and code generator for C++/Python based on ANTLR4
MIT License
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SV grammar hirarchical identifier in delay_value rule #160

Open Thomasb81 opened 2 years ago

Thomasb81 commented 2 years ago SystemVerilog grammar of hdlConvertor failed to parse the attached testcase.

Apparently following syntax is right... LRM seems incomplete. the syntax is accepted and simulation is run by several commercial simulator.

But systemVerilog grammar of hdlConvertor does not allow this (aka hierarchical identifier for a delay value (delay_value rule )

module test_module0();

    identifier1 test_module1();

    initial begin
        $display("%t start",$time);
        $display("%t end",$time);
