Nic30 / hdlConvertor

Fast Verilog/VHDL parser preprocessor and code generator for C++/Python based on ANTLR4
MIT License
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Verilog2017 - unpacked array converted as packed #169

Open diffore opened 2 years ago

diffore commented 2 years ago


it seems that HdlConvertor does not preserve the dimensions of array when parsing the module interface. See the example below:

module test (
logic [0:10] packed_array,   
logic unpacked_array[10:0] 

python code:

c = HdlConvertor()
d = c.parse("", Language.SYSTEM_VERILOG_2017, include_dirs, hierarchyOnly=False)
tv = ToVerilog2005(sys.stdout)

Output (both arrays are packed now):

module test (
    inout logic[0:10] packed_array, 
    inout logic[10:0] unpacked_array

Is this something that is not supported or a bug?

P.S. I am trying to create a tool to generate interfaces from module descriptions and would like to preserve the exact port descriptions.

Nic30 commented 2 years ago

Hello @diffore,

Is this something that is not supported or a bug?


this was fixed before, but it seems that the issue is still there, the problem is that originally arrays and bit vectors did use same notation and in some cases it was not possible to distinguish if it was vector or array.

I need to fix several other issues first, but I will fix this. Does this issue somehow blocks you in your work?

diffore commented 2 years ago

Hey @Nic30,

no, it does not block anything, so please take your time.
