Nic30 / hdlConvertor

Fast Verilog/VHDL parser preprocessor and code generator for C++/Python based on ANTLR4
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CMake install DIRECTORY include wrong parameters? #182

Open liuzikai opened 1 year ago

liuzikai commented 1 year ago


According to CMake doc, there should be only one parameter following DESTINATION? When building as a standalone project, ${CMAKE_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR} is empty so nothing happens. But when I include this project in another one via add_subdirectory with this variable set (also include though), it breaks CMake.

Nic30 commented 1 year ago

@liuzikai Do you propose any solution to this problem? There is a branch where I replaced cmake with meson. But I am fighting against the time there...

liuzikai commented 1 year ago

I am not sure either... A possible solution is to remove ${CMAKE_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR} or default it to "include" if it's empty like the following. Just make sure it doesn't break your python build (which I am not really familiar).


I was trying to use this library in another pretty large CMake-based project, whose configuration does some wired things to these variables. Simply remove either include or ${CMAKE_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR} works, although later I encountered some other problems and not using this lib for now. So anyway, feel free to apply these easy fixes or just close this issue as you like ;)