Nican / wpischeduler

WPI Scheduler
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Add capability to have multiple CRNs for the same course. #19

Open jirassimok opened 8 years ago

jirassimok commented 8 years ago

The changes to the WPI course registration allow for separate registration for lectures and their labs/conferences/whichever (which I will refer to as "subsections").

As the scheduler currently is, it is difficult to represent this.

I suggest moving the CRN to a new column to the left of the "professor" column in the schedule detail view, to allow subsections to have separate CRNs.

In the same vein, I suggest something similar be done for seats and waitlists, and that the numbers listed in the grid view be those of the smallest subsection, as those will be the most restrictive.

On the data input end, this could be achieved by moving those data from the

tag in the schedb file to the tag. As I do not know how the schedb is parsed or the display is created and rendered, I can not provide any suggestions on that front.

This is something of a short-term solution, but it would allow new data to be input in a somewhat more effective manner. The scheduler would not be as easy to use as it once was, but as it is now, it is nearly useless to students hoping to make schedules with it.

Nican commented 8 years ago

That is interesting. It would also require some UI modifications.

When you have some time, we could chat on hangouts/skype/other. Send me a message at, and we chat about new possibilities.

Just for reference, the XML is parsed over here: