NiccoloCavagnero / PEM

PEM: Prototype-based Efficient MaskFormer for Image Segmentation
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Data loader #9

Open z2587721154 opened 1 month ago

z2587721154 commented 1 month ago

Is the data loader used for training and testing the same? I only found the data loader for training in the train_net, is the data loader used for the test also this?Thank you for your contribution. image

z2587721154 commented 1 month ago

Sorry for the error in my question, I mean do you use mask_former_semantic mapper for both training and evaluation?

z2587721154 commented 1 month ago

Since I only found this mapper, it seems that it was only used in training, so where is the data mapper used in the evaluation?

z2587721154 commented 1 month ago

In this mapper, "MaskFormerSemanticDatasetMapper should only be used for training!", image,Where is the data loader used in the test process? I can't find it. This confuses me. Is it detectron2/detectron2/data/datasets/cityscapes?