NicholasBrinkel / Chizu

Mapping App
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Presentation/Booth Materials #10

Open brandon-salahat-tm opened 5 years ago

brandon-salahat-tm commented 5 years ago

We will need a few things to be ready to present. These are extremely important because the executives really rely on them to evaluate the prototypes/ideas.

  1. We have 45 seconds to give a live presentation. We'll definitely want to show off some stuff in the app, because that's going to have a huge impact on people. However someone has to also speak and give a compelling/convincing argument for why this idea is worth Toyota's investment.

I suggest an easy ability to have the app automatically run through some of the most impressive user stories while we present, or a pre-made video of the features in action. Emily made something kind of like this for the simulator last year. Tuhin should be able to provide it for inspiration if you'd like. I can also check with Emily if you don't hear back from him quickly enough.

I don't have the slide deck on me that goes over what we should try to cover, but off the top of my head we have to go over the why, the what, the benefit to the business, and what is needed to actually build it for real.

  1. We have to prepare a large trifold board that gives some expanded information on the above. The ideas that always do the best have visually appealing boards with compelling information. Once the board is complete I can have it printed and assembled at HQ. We have the option to have a section cutout in the middle for a monitor, but I suggest just having some devices on stands instead.

If the app runs right and looks good on the iPad, that would be the easiest for people to see during the presentation.

@NicholasBrinkel @shay0n Are you both planning on attending and presenting? I plan on being present during the entire fair, so I can help out as much or as little as you want.

Let's discuss how we want to tackle preparing this stuff, I can help if you would like. I will try to attach the templates/official materials for the presentation and tri fold by EOD tomorrow.

Regardless of who is presenting, we should try to practice the presentation a few times. In person would be best, but anything is better than nothing. The executive demo tends to become high pressure, and it's been pretty common for teams to freeze up in the past.

brandon-salahat-tm commented 5 years ago

Also, I'll confirm tomorrow with the official docs for the presentation, but I think we only have a couple of weeks to get the trifold ready.

shay0n commented 5 years ago

This is a loaded ticket so I'll try to cover it in pieces.

  1. I am planning on attending, and am in the process of organizing my flight/hotel reservations. Currently the plan is for me to get to Dallas on Monday night (23rd) and return Wednesday night (25th), which means that I will be at HQ all day Tuesday and Wednesday. I can spend that time finalizing the poster-board and practicing the presentation along with making sure that everything on the app runs smoothly for it. I have extensive public speaking experience and would be happy to take the lead on the presentation or do it in tandem with you, @Toyota-BSalahat , if you'd like.

  2. I would like to take lead on the tri-fold design. I agree with not having a cutout for a monitor but instead having devices on the side (given this is an app people would rather interact with it than watch a video walking through it). However, I also like having a "demo" mode for the app where it runs through a flow continuously, or however we'd like.

I'll get started on designing the poster when you post the assets tomorrow; I've been locked out of my Toyota accounts for over a week now which means I can't get access to the floorplans to make more assets nor can I get access to the materials for the fair. I've been pestering Tuhin and Trey about it so hopefully by tomorrow or Tuesday I'll have regained access; but in the meantime anything related to preparing the presentation send my way.

brandon-salahat-tm commented 5 years ago

@shay0n You are right, sorry for cramming so much in here. We can definitely break this out into tasks, but I wanted to start the conversation. I'm going to break my responses into multiple comments.

When you have access again there are videos from last year here, from the presentations:

The two powerpoint decks should be attached. The orientation one has more information about the presentation. I don't think these are sensitive, but I wouldn't share them publicly.

IF Orientation (8.13.2019).pdf 2019 IF Trifold Template v1.pptx

brandon-salahat-tm commented 5 years ago

The fair is on the 25th and the 26th. You may want to adjust your travel plans accordingly. If you will be here before the fair (on the 23rd or 24th) lets plan on meeting a few times. We can try to run through the presentation, etc. I'm totally fine with you guys leading the presentation. I will be there to help, so lets design the presentation with that in mind.

I mis-remembered about the length. We have 90 seconds to present, and the judges have 45 seconds for questions. The breakdown of what we should spend time on is in those slides.

For 2, I'm fine with that too. I know you like to work on that kind of stuff. If you have any questions, need any resources/image assets from Toyota, or want me to review it, or your idea before you do the actual work just let me know. I've seen a few of these so I'm happy to give input.

The last day to submit to the print department is the 18th, however if we submit on the 18th we will not have time to have a redo if anything doesn't turn out quite right. If possible, I would suggest having the poster ready by the end of this week, and I'll get it to printing asap so we have time to print another one if something doesn't come out quite right.

brandon-salahat-tm commented 5 years ago

@shay0n I'm not sure how to help with your account access, because I have not been looped in on how they are handling ya'lls contracts and such. I will try to ping Tuhin again, he was supposed to have a meeting with you guys last week to work out these kinds of details. In the meantime if you give me a list of what you need, I will share it on here for you. (if you remember the general idea of where you were finding the resources, please also include that)

@NicholasBrinkel Let us know what your plans are when you have a chance, and if you want to work on any of this stuff.

shay0n commented 5 years ago

I will try to get a proxy poster done by Thursday morning; I want to have something that we can discuss and organize to figure out what we want to put on it (full flows, just screenshots, asset images, etc.)

brandon-salahat-tm commented 5 years ago

Sounds good. If you need anything else that requires a Toyota account let me know and I'll try to get it over to you.

I did ping Tuhin about your account access. It sounds like the request he approved last week didn't go through, but I don't have any additional details. I will keep following up on it.

brandon-salahat-tm commented 5 years ago

@shay0n the update I got from Tuhin did not sound promising on your account access. It seems like they hit a snag on it.

Let me know if there is anything you need me to get for you off the Toyota network for the board.

shay0n commented 5 years ago

Yeah it’s unfortunate. I’ll send a list of screenshots I need in a couple hours I’m about to go to class—I appreciate it!

shay0n commented 5 years ago

Ok so I need screenshots of (and they don't need to be super good quality):

  1. HQ overhead
  2. 1st floor of W3
  3. Any other floor of W3
  4. Ground floor of E2

The way I always got them was going to the Conference Rooms tab on myToolbox and searching for a conference room or area that is located on one of those floors. If you can't find it its not a huge problem because I can just change the files I have already a little bit and just say that they're the other floors (it's not like anyone is actually using this to navigate themselves yet); but I would still prefer to have more accurate assets in the file

brandon-salahat-tm commented 5 years ago

@shay0n these should do the trick. Wisp doesn't give me a way to save directly, so I just printed them to PDF. Any guess on when you will have a draft of the poster ready? Was hoping to get it over to the print shop tomorrow, but I'd like to get it over to the print shop no later than Monday so we have time to reprint it, if something goes wrong.

edfc0138-8cf2-4c79-99f0-3a98dc66cfe3.pdf 627e369f-3512-4581-8955-6b7264fd02d5.pdf ae921bac-1fa3-4411-9b68-92b3b65b207d.pdf 647b996d-2afb-428d-92af-905abc839ba2.pdf

shay0n commented 5 years ago

These are perfect. I'll use these to work on the poster tonight when I get home from school and it should be ready by tomorrow morning.

shay0n commented 5 years ago

Hey guys, unfortunately I don't think I'll be able to have the draft of the poster ready by a time that's reasonable for @Toyota-BSalahat to print it out today. I apologize; there was more work than I was anticipating because I had to make some assets that correspond to some of the functionality that we want to talk about but isn't available in the app yet (as far as I know). However, I have already finished the text, so if you guys could please review it and tell me if there are any changes you want me to make or any additions you'd want that would be fantastic.

shay0n commented 5 years ago

Problem Statement: TMNA headquarters is massive. With 100 acres, 2.1 million square feet of floor space, seven separate buildings, and a dozen different places to eat, it’s easy for anyone, even people who work at HQ, let alone those unfamiliar with campus, to get lost.

The lack of a headquarters navigation system is antithetical to Toyota’s movement to become a mobility company; the problem manifests itself in lost time and inefficiency that could be easily solved with the existence of a universal navigation application or assistant.

Current Situation: A Headquarters companion app exists that will send users a message giving them general directions from a list of set starting points. However, there is no visual guidance like modern navigation systems, and it is still possible for people to get misoriented. Furthermore, people unfamiliar with HQ will still have trouble orienting themselves to properly follow the directions the app gives them.

MyToolbox also has a resource that locates conference rooms; but it is unintuitive, doesn’t provide any type of direction, and uses very unattractive floor plan assets that are sometimes illegible.

Solution: A modern, intuitive navigation system for headquarters that will show people how to get from point A to point B as efficiently as possible.

The app will have functionality to search for individuals desks, conference rooms, along with more specialized searches like cafeterias, nearest restrooms, amenities and general services available at headquarters.

The app will implement a dynamic, multifloor visual display to indicate intra-building navigation, while also being able to calculate

Other possible functions that can be added include voice-assistant smart search, event calendar, and a general HQ notification center.

Use Cases: A new hire comes to headquarters for onboarding and needs to find their orientation room. A Toyota partner comes for a meeting but doesn’t know where their conference room is and the fastest way to get there. A special speaker event is taking place somewhere on campus but an employee doesn’t know where the event room is. A TTC executive comes to HQ and is looking for the ramen place that their coworker had been raving about.

What’s Needed: Resources for a third party to come in and create a digital map of headquarters that can then be implemented in a navigation app, similar to shopping mall kiosks or Google/Apple maps. Google has a service that can do this, as does Apple and many other third parties such as MazeMap and Mapwize.

A team of developers to add the real time navigation functionality as well as general search functions and any other tertiary tools.

Benefits/Value: Will make onboarding easier. Helpful for visitors and non-TMNA employees. Saves time: no more getting lost on campus trying to find your conference room Efficient: shows people the fastest way to get to their destination with an estimated time that they should allot to get to their location on time. Convenient: full map of HQ in the palm of your hand Informative: shows people services and amenities that they may not know exist.

Recognition and Support: Nicholas Brinkel (Co-op) -- Lead Developer Shayan Saadat (Co-op) -- Lead Designer Brandon Salahat (TM) -- Production Advisor Tuhin Diptiman (TM) -- Team Manager

shay0n commented 5 years ago

Also, I reached out to MazeMap (a 3rd party indoor mapping service) for a quote of how much it would potentially cost to map out HQ. They said they respond within 24 hours, so as soon as they let me know (should be sometime today), I'll post it here.

I think having an idea of the potential cost of mapping a 2.1 million sqft campus is relevant to our presentation, especially when it comes to "What's Needed". That's also the part that I was least sure of; should I be more specific? I didn't really know what to put there so your input would be great.

brandon-salahat-tm commented 5 years ago

@shay0n the text you put up looks good to me.

For "What's needed", I think its hard to give a hard dollar or hours amount.

More specifically I'd anticipate

Please be very cautious when approaching any vendors IRL about this. I would definitely not mention anything about Toyota specifically in your inquiry.

Regarding the team roles, I think the gist of what you have is fine. Just so you know, I am registered as the team lead/primary contact/manager for this project since I created the idea/team originally in the IF system. You may want to tweak what you have for me and Tuhin accordingly.

There's also a pretty good chance I'll need to reach in and help Nick out if you want anything outside of the very basic navigation demos. From my conversation with him tonight it sounds like that's what he will have time to commit to. @shay0n I'd ask that you lay out a list of what you want for the demo outside of what @NicholasBrinkel can commit to. I will try to close the gap if I can, but I'd prefer to have a well defined list I can run through.

In the same vein, @shay0n if you need help with anything for the poster or presentation just let me know as soon as possible. My schedule is already running a little hot this month, but I'll make time to help out if either of you have concerns about meeting the deadlines for the fair.

shay0n commented 5 years ago

chizuPosterMonitorCutout.pdf chizuPosterWithFlows.pdf

These are the completed posters @NicholasBrinkel @Toyota-BSalahat. I made one with a monitor cutout instead of an example flow if we want to have a continuous demo of the app playing/Nick using the app. I think we should discuss how we want to demo stuff and figure something out by the end of the day.

@Toyota-BSalahat I don't think there's anything outside of navigation that we need to demo/that you and Nick could do within a reasonable timeframe; because it's a prototype, I doubt people are expecting full functionality. I think the main thing, as you've been saying all along, is to make it look and feel like a modern application. So l think touching up what Nick is working on to be/feel cleaner is where your available time would be best utilized.

The user flow I created is obviously a mockup and you guys don't have to replicate it at all, but if you want to get something close to it I can provide the RGB values and any assets from the flows that you guys may need. Last week was very hectic for me but this week I should have more time to dedicate to doing stuff, so feel free to message if you need anything created.

If anything is wrong with the posters or you need them in a different format just let me know. Fastest way to reach me is my cell @ (310) 739-0008.

brandon-salahat-tm commented 5 years ago

@shay0n The poster looks really good. I only have a couple of comments.

  1. My vote is to not have the monitor cutout. They cut it out and insert the standard TMNA view sonic monitor if you do that. I'm not sure that helps us. I'd recommend one or two iPhones, and a couple of iPads. I think I still have that arm/stand for a tablet, so we could put the largest ipad on that so that it looks nice.

  2. Under "Current Condition" I'd take the following into consideration:

  1. Under benefits and value, we might want to add "Expandable". I think its good to have an item that covers all the corner cases we could do eventually. Mobile ordering for lunch/food, location sharing if you are trying to meet up with someone at HQ (like iMessage or Glympse allows), tight integration with outlook so people can automatically get information through the app for locations, etc.. There are things a native app can do that the toolbox website can't.

Think something like "Hey Siri, where is the room for my next meeting".

Or a spotlight card that says "Next meeting in 30 minutes. Will take ~15 minutes for you to get there. See directions?".

Or a push notification from Sodexa "Hey, its Wednesday and we have Hurtz Donuts at one of the cafes"

Once the base functionality is there, there is a ton of cool stuff that can be done by providing that additional context.

brandon-salahat-tm commented 5 years ago

@shay0n as far as the demo, I'm going to try to work on adding some map pins for a few POIs. I'll probably do one for the cafeteria, and maybe the gym. Just something where you can tap it and get hours of operation, maybe a fake menu, etc.

If you haven't lately, please get with me or Nick and take a look at the current application state. It might be my own unfamiliarity with using the app, but what I see on develop doesn't seem to have a coherent user flow yet. All the pieces are there, but I think we still need to tie them all together.

shay0n commented 5 years ago

Got it. I'll change the text and send the updated PDF asap.

brandon-salahat-tm commented 5 years ago

@shay0n while you're here, if you can send the original .ppt format too that would be good. I'm not sure what format the print shop here will want.

It seems like PDF should be the ideal format for them, but I try not to make those assumptions anymore.

brandon-salahat-tm commented 5 years ago

Let me know if you want to work out a time to discuss the demo. Nick already has my number, but I'm not sure if you do. 817-919-3492.

shay0n commented 5 years ago

chizuPosterWithFlows_2.pdf chizuPoster.pptx

These should do the trick. I triple checked spelling/grammar but a second set of eyes would always be nice to make sure I didn't miss anything. Also, if the print shop can use the PDF I would highly recommend it because that's what was natively downloaded from Illustrator and should produce the highest quality poster.

I'm about to leave and head to class, so I won't be at my computer for about two hours. Around 11:15am PST I'll be able to check my computer again and make updates if need be, and I can do a phone meeting to discuss the demo any time after 12:40pm PST.

brandon-salahat-tm commented 5 years ago

This looks good to me. I'll go ahead and send it over to the print people. I'll try the pdf first.

I don't know @NicholasBrinkel 's schedule. I have time open 2:30-3, 3:30-4, and after 4pm (CT)

shay0n commented 5 years ago

After 4:00pm (CT) works best but if you could text me with a heads up before hand that would be great. I'll make a groupchat on iMessage.

brandon-salahat-tm commented 5 years ago

@shay0n it almost sounds like you don't think Skype is the gold standard for group calls...

shay0n commented 5 years ago

its also almost like I don't even have access to my Skype to make calls ¯_(ツ)_/¯

brandon-salahat-tm commented 5 years ago

lol you can dial into skype meetings from your phone. It's just terrible the best conference bridge experience in the industry.

shay0n commented 5 years ago


shay0n commented 5 years ago

this is the newest update for the poster. It's gotten Tuhin's approval as well.

brandon-salahat-tm commented 5 years ago

@shay0n here is the slide deck from the latest IF session. It mostly covers the structure of the event, booth locations, and who the judges will be.

What To Expect_Final_9.19.pdf

shay0n commented 5 years ago

Thank you this is super helpful.

Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 19, 2019, at 3:39 PM, Brandon wrote:

@shay0n here is the slide deck from the latest IF session. It mostly covers the structure of the event, booth locations, and who the judges will be.

What To Expect_Final_9.19.pdf

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