NicholasBrinkel / Chizu

Mapping App
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Feature/po is #16

Closed brandon-salahat-tm closed 5 years ago

brandon-salahat-tm commented 5 years ago

@NicholasBrinkel this adds POI pins that mostly locate themselves correctly on any device. I still need to go in and add some icons, and make them tappable.

Since I had to refactor a lot of stuff on the main view controller, I think its better to go ahead and get this on develop.

When I resolved the merge conflict with dev from your latest changes, I had to override what you did in the storyboard and the main map VC. I know its a party foul, but the changes I made to the storyboard and view controller are pretty complex and I'm not sure I'll get them right the second time. If you don't mind, please just copy/paste your changes from your local branch back into develop.

I don't anticipate needing to do anything like this again in the future, so hopefully this is a one time collision.

TLDR of the changes is that in order to map the pixel locations to the UIKit coordinates reliably, I needed to draw the image at its natural scale. To keep the map placement like you had, I had to embed it in a scrollview and use the zoom in/out functions instead of the aspect fit functions.

I'll finish out all the POI stuff and try to put some dummy searching features in this week. It will probably be towards the end of the week though. Today and tomorrow afternoon are pretty packed for me with other stuff.