NickCis / node-red-contrib-fcm-push-node

Node-red Node interface to Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) for Android and iOS
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Setup tutorial/example flows? #3

Open daxliniere opened 3 years ago

daxliniere commented 3 years ago

Hey Nick, Thanks for creating these nodes. I was wondering if you might have an example flow you could share or add to the wiki of this project?

Thanks in advance, Dax.

NickCis commented 3 years ago

How are you?. I've not used this module for several years, so, I really don't have any example. But, I could help you to write that example so you can add it to the repo!.

daxliniere commented 3 years ago

Hi Nick! Thanks for the reply. I'm good, thanks. Yourself?

Yes, happy to add it. I guess the flow would be fairly simple, as in, some code that would go into a function node that feeds the input of fcm-push. Ideally an example of each of the different types you can send. (title, body, image?, etc)

Cheers! Dax.