NickCraver / StackExchange.Exceptional

Error handler used for the Stack Exchange network
Apache License 2.0
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Grouped exceptions should use the latest/most recent date #31

Closed cottsak closed 7 years ago

cottsak commented 11 years ago

Correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems that when exceptions are grouped, the date (for ordering the item in the list) is taken from the first occurrence of the grouped exception. This seems odd to me and I find myself getting frustrated when I trigger an exception (manually for example), and find that it's not at the top of the list, but rather a few lines down but now with a (2).

I would have thought that like a grouped email thread, that when a new message (or exception) is added to the thread/group, that then the whole group would then be considered new/recent and move to the top of the list.

Is it by design that the last/most recent item in a group is not the one whose date is used for sorting?

NickCraver commented 11 years ago

This issue here is that there's no LatestDate column in the SQL provider (the hardest to change/upgrade). In retrospect I should have added it, we discussed this internally after a year of it worth the upgrade pain for others caused by adding it though? That's the piece I'm not so sure about.

cottsak commented 11 years ago

What do you mean by "is it worth the upgrade pain for others"? Are you saying that maybe the cost of upgrading to a newer version to get this feature (if you add it) outweighs the value from the feature?

NickCraver commented 11 years ago

What I mean is it's a scheme change in SQL, so it's a breaking scheme change, not just a NuGet update. That means it has to be in a major version release and won't be automatic/easy for most people. You have to keep in mind that many people using tis don't have control over their production environments, and there's a whole change control process in play. I'll take a look at making it work with the old and new scheme...that would be the only viable option I see, detected once on app start...let me peek at it later today then update this.

cottsak commented 11 years ago

Perhaps you could add the date for all providers except the SQL one? This way, the in-memory and json providers would have the feature (proper sorting) and the SQL one would not. You could add a TODO to fix the SQL schema for the major release and the rest of us could get the value now. Thoughts?

NickCraver commented 9 years ago

This will be going into 2.0. I'm hoping to get a 2.0 (CoreCLR compatible) version out in the next month or two.

cottsak commented 9 years ago


NickCraver commented 7 years ago

Added in V2! There will be schema changes to accommodate this (we need a new column), but it's for the greater good. The scripts are now idempotent for setting up and upgrading to the latest version though.

cottsak commented 7 years ago

Available in .NET 4.5?

NickCraver commented 7 years ago

Yep v2 should support net45 and netstandard2.0