NickCraver / StackExchange.Exceptional

Error handler used for the Stack Exchange network
Apache License 2.0
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fix race condition #83

Closed jpuck closed 7 years ago

jpuck commented 7 years ago

not really sure why the build failed - I only changed the README

CptRobby commented 7 years ago

I think there's something wrong with AppVeyor or something because it has been failing on all of the recent pull requests.

I see the one typo that you fixed (and I can't tell why git thinks the other line changed). But why did you call the pull request "fix race condition"??

jpuck commented 7 years ago

@CptRobby github's editor automatically added a newline to the end of the file unbeknownst to me, so that's why the last line was changed. it was named as such due to the pronunciation of the typo.

CptRobby commented 7 years ago

Um...If you say so! :droplet: :awkward_laugh: I hope you realize though that "race condition" means something completely different in programming. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

jpuck commented 7 years ago

in deed, I'm not as funny as I am inside my own head

CptRobby commented 7 years ago

Indeed! I think adding a description that would hint at the joke would have been better. Instead, I was thinking that something must have been missed in the commit that would have fixed an actual race condition. So I was expecting you to append the missing changes to the request, but instead you commented about it only being a change to the readme file, which just made me scratch my head. LOL :smiley:

NickCraver commented 7 years ago
