NickL77 / RPLidar_Hector_SLAM

Hector SLAM without odometry data on ROS with the RPLidar A1
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Error: Cannot locate node of type! #13

Open AleVera04 opened 2 years ago

AleVera04 commented 2 years ago

I'm trying to run Hector_Slam and RPlidar, RPlidar works fine and launches fine but whenever I try to launch tutorial launch from Hector slam it gives me this error:

process[rviz-1]: started with pid [27650] ERROR: cannot launch node of type [hector_mapping/hector_mapping]: Cannot locate node of type [hector_mapping] in package [hector_mapping]. Make sure file exists in package path and permission is set to executable (chmod +x) process[base_to_laser_broadcaster-3]: started with pid [27651] ERROR: cannot launch node of type [hector_trajectory_server/hector_trajectory_server]: Cannot locate node of type [hector_trajectory_server] in package [hector_trajectory_server]. Make sure file exists in package path and permission is set to executable (chmod +x) ERROR: cannot launch node of type [hector_geotiff/geotiff_node]: Cannot locate node of type [geotiff_node] in package [hector_geotiff]. Make sure file exists in package path and permission is set to executable (chmod +x)

I'm not sure what the problem is but here is the rest of the compile list when i launch it to see if there's anything useful:

... logging to /home/alejandro/.ros/log/d3e43158-e900-11eb-8d34-2f7f34d025cb/roslaunch-DektopDesktop-desktop-27633.log Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take a while. Press Ctrl-C to interrupt Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.

started roslaunch server http://DektopDesktop-desktop:42625/



NODES / base_to_laser_broadcaster (tf/static_transform_publisher) hector_geotiff_node (hector_geotiff/geotiff_node) hector_mapping (hector_mapping/hector_mapping) hector_trajectory_server (hector_trajectory_server/hector_trajectory_server) rviz (rviz/rviz)


process[rviz-1]: started with pid [27650] ERROR: cannot launch node of type [hector_mapping/hector_mapping]: Cannot locate node of type [hector_mapping] in package [hector_mapping]. Make sure file exists in package path and permission is set to executable (chmod +x) process[base_to_laser_broadcaster-3]: started with pid [27651] ERROR: cannot launch node of type [hector_trajectory_server/hector_trajectory_server]: Cannot locate node of type [hector_trajectory_server] in package [hector_trajectory_server]. Make sure file exists in package path and permission is set to executable (chmod +x) ERROR: cannot launch node of type [hector_geotiff/geotiff_node]: Cannot locate node of type [geotiff_node] in package [hector_geotiff]. Make sure file exists in package path and permission is set to executable (chmod +x) [rviz-1] process has finished cleanly log file: /home/alejandro/.ros/log/d3e43158-e900-11eb-8d34-2f7f34d025cb/rviz-1*.log

Capt-RedBeard commented 2 years ago

I am having the same issue, is there a fix for this?

AchmadKuddah commented 2 weeks ago

you should try to catkin_make again after importing the git it should help the problem