NickL77 / RPLidar_Hector_SLAM

Hector SLAM without odometry data on ROS with the RPLidar A1
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CMake Error causing Incomplete configuration #7

Closed henryfhq-drone closed 4 years ago

henryfhq-drone commented 4 years ago

Hi, I'm trying to install the RPLidar_Hector_SLAM and I have encountered an Error after downloading the ROS and this error appeared:

Screenshot from 2020-05-12 18-08-54

I'm using Ubuntu 18.04 on my Jetson Nano, ROS Version is Melodic.

Idk is it something wrong with what I did or is there anything got to do with the dependency?


NickL77 commented 4 years ago

The issue is probably that the libraries in this repository are for ROS Kinetic. You can either downgrade ROS or install the appropriate hector_slam and rplidar packages. If choose to stay on Melofic and you run into issues where frame names are off, you can take a look at this resource that is listed in the README.

henryfhq-drone commented 4 years ago

@NickL77 Somehow I solved the issue by doing the following:

  1. Downloading vision_opencv (
  2. Copy and paste cv_bridge file to the source file of the catkin workspace
  3. Also, ensure that the ros-melodic-vision-opencv and ros-melodic-cv-bridge
  4. Finally, run catkin_make.

Thank you for your suggestions and trying your best to solve the issue.

henryfhq-drone commented 4 years ago

Hereby declare that the issue is now closed